Tue, 29 May 2012
The Ray Edwards Show is a weekly podcast where we help anyone start or grow your online business… and still have a life! Are you tired of peddling products for pennies? Haggling with rate-chiselers who want to chip away all your profits? Today's episode is all about how to get paid double, triple, or even ten times what you get currently. This Week's Tip(s)
Spiritual Foundations Stop making the same mistakes repeatedly.
Feature Story: How To Get Paid More (Whatever You Do)
A segment on not getting it perfect, just getting it started (with props to Mike Litman). Free Webinar Training Session On this free LIVE webinar training event, you'll learn:
Listener Questions On today's episode, I answered the following listener questions.
SUBSCRIPTION LINKS If you have enjoyed this podcast, please subscribe (and leave a review) in iTunes. Call in your questions or comments to our new, fancy “request line” at (509) 713-2679 Question for you: What has your experience been raising your prices? Comment below, or call in at (509) 713-2679