Ray Edwards Show
Ray Edwards is a sought-after Copywriter, Author, Speaker, and Communications Strategist. His clients include Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Jeff Walker, Robert Allen, and more. On this show, Ray helps you start, run, and grow their Internet-based businesses. The show includes interviews with well-known experts like Michael Hyatt, Jeff Goins, Dan Miller, Cliff Ravenscraft, Michael Stelzner, Amy Porterfield, Don Miller, and many others.

This week's episode was recorded Christmas morning, 2022. I wanted to have a comfortable, intimate setting to relay some positive thoughts and exercises for the new year, so I chose to record at my kitchen table.

My premise is this: We can't be happy all the time, that's a delusion and an unrealistic expectation...BUT, we can have much less time being unhappy than we currently do - by a long shot.

There are ways you can manage your emotions and get some control over what makes you joyful. As we head into 2023, I have an excellent journaling exercise that will help you do just that.

[00:17] Intro - Planning my best year ever
[00:58] Brain surgery update
[01:18] Perception of problems
[02:27] Being a rational optimist
[03:14] Happiness from within
[04:07] Realistic expectations
[04:50] Be mindful of your thoughts
[05:15] Your emotional "home base"
[07:04] Get free of emotional addiction
[07:32] The power of gratitude
[08:37] Emotions are signals
[10:32] Writing exercise
[11:26] My Crisis of Confidence



Your Best Year Ever - Michael Hyatt


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Subscribe to the show in iTunes and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. We are also on Stitcher.com, so if you prefer Stitcher, please subscribe there.

Connect with Ray on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram

Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.


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Direct download: REP601.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:00am PDT

OpenAI's ChatGPT software is producing such impressive, original copy, it has many copywriters concerned for their future. 

I understand the concern, but that doesn't change the fact that it's here, and it's getting better every day.

Earlier this week I taught a class on how copywriters can use this new technology to increase their productivity to levels never before possible...To easily add 10k a month to their bottom line by serving more clients. 

This class was seen by some as promoting the very tool that is out to get them. They were not happy with me. 

I hope they eventually (quickly) realize that this tech is here to stay, and it can be an incredible tool for writers. Either use it to better your business, or let it roll over you.

This week's audio was taken directly from that class. It's a live demonstration of the power of ChatGTP. In it, I give copywriters 10 ways to use this tech to generate more revenue (easily 10k a month) for their business. Enjoy.

[00:00] Intro - The Controversial Class
[01:07] The Death of Copywriting, or The Start of the Gold Rush
[02:58] Realtime demonstration
[07:44] A.I. can be your ally
[18:21] 10 ways to make 10k
[18:28] #1 Write Faster
[19:18] #2 Start an Agency
[19:40] #3 Write Sales Pages
[19:54] #4 Ghostwrite Books
[20:39] #5 Write Email Copy
[21:03] #6 Write and Publish on Medium or Substack
[21:15] #7 Improve Websites
[21:52] #8 Create Youtube and Podcast scripts
[22:05] #9 Write SEO Copy
[22:27] #10 Write a Newsletter


ChatGPT - Get your free account and start using this tool.

Ray's Holiday Bundle -
Get access to my Copy Academy Coaching Program for a record low price. This price includes access to my new A.I. training course for copywriters, as well as beta access to my upcoming A.I. copywriting app, and VIP tickets to our live event in Nashville next year (Summer 2023)

How You Can Help

Subscribe to the show in iTunes and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. We are also on Stitcher.com, so if you prefer Stitcher, please subscribe there.

Connect with Ray on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram

Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.


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Direct download: REP600.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:00pm PDT

The entrepreneurial journey is full of highs and lows…and yes, I acknowledge that the same could be said of any job - BUT, it’s somehow different when you’re running the show.

There is potential for higher highs, lower lows, and you're ultimately responsible for all of them.

In this episode (taken from The Cliff Ravenscraft Show) Cliff and I discuss how to deal with this reality from the perspective of a business owner...How to achieve equanimity and maintain a positive attitude at least 99% of the time (nobody is perfect).


[00:18] Intro - Special episode with Cliff Ravenscraft
[01:40] The messiness of the entrepreneurial journey - Avoiding burnout
[05:59] A conversation with Cliff and Ray
[09:22] Focusing on the right things
[11:44] Entrepreneurial Isolation
[12:42] Read this, or die
[19:45] Have you ever felt your business wasn’t giving you the freedom you were looking for?
[22:22] Where does joy come from
[24:26] Cliff’s word of the day: Equanimity
[33:08] Man’s search for meaning
[36:00] Your mental “home base”
[45:38] Handling the highs and lows
[52:13] The cat comes out of the bag, live, online
[55:52] The value of a coach
[57:24] Cliff wraps it up



CliffRavenscraft.com - Cliff's home base

Free The Dream Course - Cliff's flagship course that gives you the techniques, tools and strategies that will allow you to Live the Life of Your Dreams…

Find Cliff's commentary on Viktor Frankl's book, Man's Search for Meaning, here.

Man's Search For Meaning
 - Viktor Frankl's must-read masterpiece

Order My New Book On Amazon - Read This or Die!: Persuading Yourself to a Better Life


How You Can Help

Subscribe to the show in iTunes and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. We are also on Stitcher.com, so if you prefer Stitcher, please subscribe there.

Connect with Ray on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram

Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.


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Direct download: REP599.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:00am PDT

Having to constantly chase down new leads is an exhausting and stressful way to keep revenue flowing.

Wouldn't it be better to have new clients seek you out? To attract new business instead of chasing after it? 

There are several ways to make this happen without a huge (or even a small) advertising budget. 

This week's episode features a segment from 2013 entitled "How to Attract Business". It's been almost a decade since I first suggested these tactics and they're all still valid. In fact, I still use each and every one.

Thanks to CDRC Bryan Switalski for suggesting that we revisit these powerful tactics.

[00:19] Intro - Where this week's episode comes from
[01:23] Your desperation stinks
[03:16] Here's "the secret"
[03:54] Step 1 - Create massive value
[06:36] Step 2 - Positioning and Authority
[09:50] Step 3 - The Hub and Spoke system
[11:06] Step 4 - Traffic, lead, and conversion system
[12:38] Step 5 - Create a Path
[13:57] Recap and implementation ideas


RayEdwards.com - While you're here, take a moment to check out the resources I've made available to you, and get signed up for my daily newsletter which is filled with "WEIRD COPYWRITING TIPS, TOOLS, And TACTICS That Will Bring You More Traffic, Conversions, And Sales..."

How You Can Help

Subscribe to the show in iTunes and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. We are also on Stitcher.com, so if you prefer Stitcher, please subscribe there.

Connect with Ray on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram

Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.

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Direct download: REP598.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:00am PDT