Ray Edwards Show
Ray Edwards is a sought-after Copywriter, Author, Speaker, and Communications Strategist. His clients include Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Jeff Walker, Robert Allen, and more. On this show, Ray helps you start, run, and grow their Internet-based businesses. The show includes interviews with well-known experts like Michael Hyatt, Jeff Goins, Dan Miller, Cliff Ravenscraft, Michael Stelzner, Amy Porterfield, Don Miller, and many others.

The way you think affects the way you act – and that affects everything in your life. Today I want to share with you five “mindsets” (ways of thinking) that murder your business. And yes, I'll tell you how to avoid these profit-killers. 

This Week's Tips

  • Build a membership site in five minutes and fewer clicks with Wishlist.

Spiritual Foundations

When God is your caretaker and protector, you won't lack for anything.

 “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Psalm 23

Feature Story: Five Mindsets That Murder Your Business

  1. My problems come from outside.
  2. People are rational.
  3. Everyone needs my product.
  4. Success takes a long time.
  5. I'll do it tomorrow.

Listener Questions




You can find the podcast on Stitcher by clicking the logo:

If you have enjoyed this podcast, please subscribe (and leave a review) in iTunes.

Call in your questions or comments to our new, fancy “request line” at (509) 713-2679

Question for you: Have you ever fallen for any of these “deadly mindsets”? Comment below, or call in at (509) 713-2679


Direct download: REP024.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:39pm PDT

Sometimes all of our fancy business goals boil down to this: “I need more money.”

What do you do, when you need more money, immediately? That's what today's podcast is all about.

This Week's Tips

Spiritual Foundations

God will deliver you from all your troubles, but deliverance is not the best that he has in store for you.

 “He shall deliver you in six troubles, yes, in seven no evil shall touch you.” Job 5:19

Feature Story: How To Make More Money Immediately

  1. First, get outside your comfort zone.
  2. Become physically active.
  3. Make a list.
  4. Be willing to do whatever it takes.

Listener Questions




You can find the podcast on Stitcher by clicking the logo:

If you have enjoyed this podcast, please subscribe (and leave a review) in iTunes.

Call in your questions or comments to our new, fancy “request line” at (509) 713-2679

Question for you: Have you ever needed “more money immediately”? Comment below, or call in at (509) 713-2679


Direct download: REP023.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:37am PDT

We all have these things that crop up called “problems” – in today's podcast I share some “real life”, and advice on how to pulverize your so-called problems and turn them into opportunities.

This Week's Tips

  • Booklover? You're gonna love goodreads the app!

Spiritual Foundations

When you have problems – be glad!

 “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” James 1:2-4

Even science backs up Scripture…

“Being thankful and positive has great effects on the brain & immune system! Remember, your attitude affects you, not just those around you!”
Dr. Caroline Leaf

Feature Story: How To Pulverize Your Problems

  1. Celebrate
  2. Ask yourself the “Problem-Solving Questions” (see below)
  3. Look for the upgrade
  4. Be proactive
  5. Let go

Tony Robbins' Problem-Solving Questions

  1. What’s GREAT about this? or What could be great about this?
  2. What’s not perfect YET? (presupposing that it is going to be perfect)
  3. What am I WILLING TO DO to make it the way that I want it?
  4. What am I WILLING TO NO LONGER DO in order to make things the way that I want?
  5. How can I do what is necessary to get the job done and ENJOY the process?

Listener Questions

  1. Keller Coleman asks how to persist in the tough times.
  2. Angela Wood wants to know how to write in someone else's voice.
  3. Todd Bray asks how to get clients to see reason!
  4. Antoine McCoy asks about an upcoming live event.




You can find the podcast on Stitcher by clicking the logo:

If you have enjoyed this podcast, please subscribe (and leave a review) in iTunes.

Call in your questions or comments to our new, fancy “request line” at (509) 713-2679

Question for you: How do you face problems? Comment below, or call in at (509) 713-2679


Direct download: REP022.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:23pm PDT

Attending conferences can pay big dividends – in today's podcast I explain 7 reasons why you should attend conferences.

This Week's Tips

  • Use the  iMovie app on your iPad or iPhone to make killer marketing videos fast.


Spiritual Foundations

When you have problems – be glad!

 “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” James 1:2-4

Even science backs up Scripture…

“Being thankful and positive has great effects on the brain & immune system! Remember, your attitude affects you, not just those around you!”
Dr. Caroline Leaf

Feature Story: 7 Reasons To Attend Conferences

  1. There's always something new to learn.
  2. Conferences are the best place to network.
  3. A new environment stimulates creativity.
  4. The “immersion factor”.
  5. Being seen is important and useful.
  6. It's the fastest way to get new clients.
  7. Attending conferences can lead to speaking opportunities

Those are just 7reasons – there are many more.




You can find the podcast on Stitcher by clicking the logo:

If you have enjoyed this podcast, please subscribe (and leave a review) in iTunes.

Call in your questions or comments to our new, fancy “request line” at (509) 713-2679

Question for you: How do you get value from attending conferences? Comment below, or call in at (509) 713-2679


Direct download: REP021.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:52pm PDT

If you are a business owner, freelancer, consultant, solo professional, or have any desire to be a leader of any kind – you need to blog.

This Week's Tips

  • LastPass – the last password you'll ever need to remember.

Spiritual Foundations

If you're continually beating yourself up about your shortcomings, here's good news!

“For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.”
Romans 5:17

Feature Story: 5 Reasons You Should Blog

  1. It's good for business. It wasn't always this way. When I started blogging, it didn't take long for me to realize blogging was building my business, too. I get a steady flow of new business from people who say something like, “Well, I started reading your blog and finally decided I would call you.”
  2. Self-expression. Once upon a time, I was a radio DJ. Highly-rated, successful, and loving it. Being on the radio was my own personal megaphone. It was my way of being heard. Now I get that same satisfaction from blogging. You can too. Now everyone's a DJ!
  3. Building a relationship with my readers. There's nothing like a blog (and a podcast) to build a relationship with your readers. My blog is the source of most of the conversations I have with my readers.
  4. Marketing. I know there are many who say you can't “monetize” a blog. Really? My own blog has brought me… well, let's call it “a substantial amount” of revenue. And I don't even use Adsense (as of this writing). And there are many examples of money-making blogs.
  5. Record Of My Thinking. Blogging is a way of distilling my thoughts and preserving them. Doing it publicly forces me to step up my game.

Those are just 5 reasons – there are dozens more.




You can find the podcast on Stitcher by clicking the logo:

If you have enjoyed this podcast, please subscribe (and leave a review) in iTunes.

Call in your questions or comments to our new, fancy “request line” at (509) 713-2679

Question for you: How about you? Do you blog – and if so, why? Comment below, or call in at (509) 713-2679


Direct download: REP020.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:57pm PDT