Mon, 30 August 2021
How much of your thinking is by design? I don't mean that in the spiritual sense, but rather, by your design.
How much of your thinking is intentional? How much of it is YOUR thinking?
Is it possible that most of your life is being dictated by random bits and pieces of knowledge, unintentional habits, misconceptions, and various other noise that you no longer even choose to think? And if so…Can you fix it?
This topic isn't new to the podcast. In fact, there are several episodes where I have asserted that most of us are thinking thoughts that don't serve us…Thoughts we never intended to put on "Auto Pilot". I've also claimed that those repetitive thoughts can be removed and replaced with thoughts that do serve you.
But is any of that true? I mean, Dammit Jim…I'm a copywriter, not a neuropsychologist.
Lucky for us, my guest this week is a neuropsychologist.
Dr. Shannon Irvine holds a PH.D. in neuropsychology (the study of the relationship between behavior, emotion, and cognition), and is also a renowned business advisor with a passion for guiding entrepreneurs. When she says she can help you train your brain for success, it's not just a motivational pep talk - She's a bonafide expert in the science behind it. Tune in to learn:
Links from this episode - Dr. Irvine's official site. Be sure to check out her Epic Success Podcast.
Mon, 23 August 2021
At some point in life, I think most people find that they are essentially living the same day, over and over. Going to the same job, talking to the same people, thinking mostly the same thoughts, feeling mostly the same emotions...Everything is just mediocre repetition; neither advancing nor improving. They have brief notions of making changes, but ultimately go back to their routine.
This week's episode details my personal journey through that scenario...And the diagnosis that snapped me out of it. Here's what we cover in this episode:
Quote of the Day: “You don’t need easy, You just need worth it” — Jim Rohn |
Mon, 16 August 2021
This week we're showcasing one of our highest reviewed episodes in the history of the show...And for good reason - It breaks down the process of starting a successful copywriting business into 3 simple steps.
Yep...You're (still) only 3 steps away from your work-from-anywhere, get paid to be creative, no-business-attire-required (or even pants for that matter) dream job. Here's what we cover in this episode:
Links mentioned on today’s show:
A Few Essential Copywriting Books by the Original Masters:
This episode of the Ray Edwards Show is made possible in part by The All-New Ray Edwards Enhanced Certified Direct Response Copywriter Program, where I help anyone who wants to make big money from their writing without getting a publisher or having a bestseller, and even if nobody knows who you are. Get my proven methods, systems, and even my endorsement – go to |
Tue, 10 August 2021
During today’s episode it is my goal to answer all your questions about starting your own writing business, especially in today’s new economy. Sometimes it seems like it’s a new economy every other day or so, but really there’s nothing to be frightened of. There is nothing new under the sun, after all-this has all happened before, and it will all happen again. Spiritual FoundationsThe Lord is my light and my salvation- so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble? When evil people come to devour me, when my enemies and foes attack me, they will stumble and fall. Though a mighty army surrounds me, my heart will not be afraid. Even if I am attacked, I will remain confident. Psalm 27:1-3 (NIV) Tip Of The WeekI am a big proponent of dictating instead of typing, mainly because I can’t type very well. But I can speak pretty fast. I was frustrated with my iPad pro’s Magic Keyboard because it would not allow me to dictate. There’s no button for it. Tapping the little globe keyboard icon does not help, because as far as I can tell, you’re not supposed to use software keyboards in conjunction with this actual hardware keyboard. I found the secret. Simply tap the Control key twice in succession and up pops your dictation window. You’re welcome. Feature PresentationLast week, we published a podcast making a strong claim that the very best business to start (especially if you need money now) is a freelance writing business. Chief among those reasons being that almost anyone can do this, and you can start it for basically no money (assuming you have a laptop or some other device that allows you to connect to the Internet). While that episode clearly spelled out why starting a freelance writing business is such a strong choice, I really did not get into how to do it. In an email follow-up, I asked if you had any questions about starting your own writing business. I expected to get a few questions…and did you ever exceed my expectations. Seems there are lots of questions about this idea of “writing as a business”. So in this week’s podcast episode, you get answers. When you listen you will find out:
So grab your success journal and pen (or your iPad if you prefer), and get ready to take some notes. There’s plenty of meat in this one! It is possible to take your love of writing, and turn that into a lucrative full-time income – or even a full-fledged business of your own. SponsorThis episode of the Ray Edwards Show is made possible in part by The All-New Ray Edwards Enhanced Certified Direct Response Copywriter Program, where I help anyone who wants to make big money from their writing without getting a publisher or having a bestseller, and even if nobody knows who you are. Get my proven methods, systems, and even my endorsement – go to |
Mon, 2 August 2021
As we continue our recording studio makeover at Ray Edwards, International, I've been going through some past episodes, looking for those that stood out…episodes worth a second listen. The one I found for this week seemed oddly prophetic. It was released about a year before the pandemic began and actually seems even more appropriate in 2021. Don't take my word for it…listen, and hear for yourself. Feature Presentation: “The Single Best Business to Start (If You Need Money Now)”While thinking about this idea of the “ideal business”, I ran across an article by John Forde at AWAI. I will link to the article in the show notes. ( Forde argued in that article that he has a set of objective criteria for what makes “The Ideal Business” … and these reasons actually go back to an article written in the 1970's by financial guru Richard Russell. Russell was the writer and publisher of “The Dow Theory Letters”, starting in 1958. Russell died in 2015. But as of the date of his passing, the Dow Theory Letters was the longest-running service continuously written by one person in the business. So no, he wasn’t writing about copywriting as we know it. And yet – he was a master of the craft. Anyway, with credit to John Forde and Richard Russell, here are the essential qualities of “the ideal business” for anyone to start. 1. “Sells the World.” I have two more “reasons why” to add to the list… (these are my own additions.) 11. “Easily Profits Whether Markets Are Up or Down”. SponsorThis episode of the Ray Edwards Show is made possible in part by The All-New Ray Edwards Enhanced Certified Direct Response Copywriter Program, where I help anyone who wants to make big money from their writing without getting a publisher or having a bestseller, and even if nobody knows who you are. Get my proven methods, systems, and even my endorsement – go to
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