Ray Edwards Show
Ray Edwards is a sought-after Copywriter, Author, Speaker, and Communications Strategist. His clients include Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Jeff Walker, Robert Allen, and more. On this show, Ray helps you start, run, and grow their Internet-based businesses. The show includes interviews with well-known experts like Michael Hyatt, Jeff Goins, Dan Miller, Cliff Ravenscraft, Michael Stelzner, Amy Porterfield, Don Miller, and many others.

For this week's episode, I wanted to get back-to-basics and give you the nuts and bolts explanation of who I am and my philosophy of writing persuasive, direct-response copy.

I had done this already for someone else's podcast back in 2018 as a guest host. That someone was the great Jeff Goins, and he gave me permission to use that audio for this week's episode.

I have a ton of respect for Jeff and the work he puts out, so if you're not familiar with him, I recommend you check out his blog, best-selling books and podcast. You'll find the links below.

If you're a regular listener of my podcast, this week's content will seem familiar, but I encourage you to jump in for a succinct review of the copywriting process; specifically, the P.A.S.T.O.R. framework. This universal framework (to sell products, services, or even ideas) gives you a starting point for every piece of copy you'll ever write.

  • [01:55] Get to know Ray
  • [02:56] Ray's career in broadcast radio
  • [04:19] What is Direct Response Copy?
  • [06:45] The value of good copy
  • [07:29] What is copywriting and why does it matter?
  • [08:26] Everything is copy
  • [09:38] The P.A.S.T.O.R. Framework
    • [10:24] P - Person, problem, pain
    • [12:47] A - Amplify the pain, give asperations
    • [14:30] S - Story, struggle, solution
    • [15:07] T - Transformation and testimony
    • [16:18] O - Offer
    • [17:30] R - Request a response


https://trainwithray.com - If you're serious about becoming a stellar, in-demand copywriter, check out this page

https://goinswriter.com/hey - This is Jeff Goins's new podcast called Hey Creator which I highly recommend. While you're there, make sure you check out his blog and his best-selling books. This is the kind of stuff your entrepreneurial brain needs!

How You Can Help

Subscribe to the show in iTunes and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. We are also on Stitcher.com, so if you prefer Stitcher, please subscribe there.

Connect with Ray on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram

Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.

Direct download: REP541.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:30pm PDT

We're a couple of weeks into 4th quarter 2010 (October-December), but it's not too late to make more money in this last quarter than you've made so far this year.

No matter what your business, this week's podcast lays out a simple plan for you to CRUSH your goals for the year, rake in the revenue, and pile up profits. How great would it be to start 2022 with that amazing momentum?

  • [00:45] Getting prepared for your 4th Quarter Miracle
    • [01:12] Put the past in the past
    • [02:39] Define your objective
    • [03:14] Calendar your plan
  • [03:38] Ray's Unpopular Ruthless Rules of Revenue
  • [04:09] How to make a great offer? (Alex Hormozi's book)
  • [05:06] High profit offers
  • [06:05] The O.P.E.N. Scale
  • [09:00] Frictionless Path To Paradise
  • [09:40] Two elements you need to add to your offer: Urgency and Scarcity
  • [11:00] The more offers you make, the more sales you make
  • [12:32] Operation Money Magnet
  • [14:28] Action Plan (Commit to the challenge, create a Money Magnet offer, market your offer EVERY DAY on EVERY MEDIUM)
  • [16:07] Read the mind of your marketplace...with your calendar
  • [20:31] Crafting your copy (same offer...different clothes)
  • [20:57] Join my free copywriting community on Facebook


Links From This Week's Episode

$100M Offers: How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No by Alex Hormozi

How You Can Help

Subscribe to the show in iTunes and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. We are also on Stitcher.com, so if you prefer Stitcher, please subscribe there.

Connect with Ray on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram

Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.

Direct download: REP540.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:00pm PDT

This may blow a few minds, but I, Ray Edwards, direct response copywriting evangelist and educator, am telling you that Copywriting, alone...Is not enough. Today's sophisticated, high-paying client demands that you have more to offer.

This week, I'll tell you what other skills you must possess to thrive, AND give you an actionable checklist that will simplify the process of getting you (and keeping you) in high-demand.

[1:49] - The dirty little secret of the copywriting world (The title says it all.)
[5:40] - The Race to the Bottom - If you win, you lose...big time.
[8:17] - Becoming the brand of You (Mike Kim's book will make this abundantly clear - Link below)
[9:54] - Two fears you must overcome - Here's what happens when you finally get in the spotlight
[13:28] - Why you need an exit plan - Keep the end game in mind.
[16:32] - Coaching programs - In my humble (but accurate) opinion, these are the best ways to learn
[17:45] - Action guide checklist - A few questions to get you started.

Links From This Week's Episode

Last Week's Episode (538) - If you missed last week's episode, How to Create Products Out Of Thin Air (With a 99% Profit Margin), I suggest you check it out. It's the first of this 3-part series.

You Are The Brand This is the new book from Mike Kim I mentioned in the show. This should required reading for those wishing to create a brand built on their personality, ideas and reputation. I highly recommend it.

How You Can Help

Subscribe to the show in iTunes and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. We are also on Stitcher.com, so if you prefer Stitcher, please subscribe there.

Connect with Ray on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram

Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.

Direct download: REP539.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00am PDT

This week, I want to talk about writing as a business. Not just copywriting, but writing in general. From fiction, to how-to e-books, to blogging (yes, blogging is NOT dead - proof below), etc.

There are so many myths and misconceptions about this topic, that many people don't realize:

  1. Yes, they can make a living as a writer.
  2. It's not even that difficult to do.

Two bold claims...Can I back them up? Can I show you realistic ways this can be done? Tune into this week's exciting episode to find out! (spoiler alert: Yes. I can.)

Feature Presentation

My title may seem like clickbait (Products out of thin air? 99% profit margin?) - Until you realize that I'm talking about writing...putting words on "paper".

Your writing is a product and that is exactly how you should treat it. From conception to creation, you should have your ideal customer in mind...Who is this for? Who will this help?

In fact, I recommend using the same formula you use when you're writing sales copy - My P.A.S.T.O.R. framework.

Let's say you decide that you're going to write a how-to book on some topic that you're passionate about. I suggest the first thing you do is write the sales page for it. Write it as if your unwritten book were finished and ready to hit the shelves.

Why would you write a sales page for a product that doesn't exist? Because it outlines the reasons that it should exist. As you use the P.A.S.T.O.R framework to craft your copy, you are essentially giving yourself the list of promises that this book must fulfill. You will write a better book because of this.


Links From This Week's Episode

Maria Popova's Brainpickings - Think the days of making good money as a blogger are over? Not so. Maria Popova has incredible content and she is supported by her readers.

rayedwards.com - Head here to download my 6-Step Master Persuasion checklist that I mentioned in the show.

How You Can Help

Subscribe to the show in iTunes and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. We are also on Stitcher.com, so if you prefer Stitcher, please subscribe there.

Connect with Ray on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram

Direct download: REP538.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00am PDT