Ray Edwards Show
Ray Edwards is a sought-after Copywriter, Author, Speaker, and Communications Strategist. His clients include Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Jeff Walker, Robert Allen, and more. On this show, Ray helps you start, run, and grow their Internet-based businesses. The show includes interviews with well-known experts like Michael Hyatt, Jeff Goins, Dan Miller, Cliff Ravenscraft, Michael Stelzner, Amy Porterfield, Don Miller, and many others.

What does it mean to be more persistent and why is it important?

Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

Tip of the Week: The ONE PLATFORM To Build Your Business  

Looking for a solution to your tech nightmare when it comes to running your online business?

Here’s what we use and recommend: Kajabi. It’s recommended more than any other Knowledge Commerce platform.

The E-Learning market is soaring! Its projected valuation is $275 billion by 2022.

The fastest and easiest way for people to launch their online business is by teaching others through online courses, coaching, and membership sites.

You shouldn’t have to: pay for multiple tools to sell your knowledge, encounter tech headaches, or string multiple systems together to get your business off the ground.

Kajabi: The Only Platform You Need

  • Create the perfect product with their course builder
  • Set up your own branded online store
  • Get paid easily with a built-in shopping cart
  • Send emails to potential buyers & customers
  • Build fully automated marketing campaigns

Kajabi provides digital entrepreneurs an all-in-one platform which enables them to create a life of freedom on their terms, whatever that may look like.

Try the free trial and see for yourself…rayedwards.com/kajabi

Spiritual Foundations: You Already Have All the Faith You Need

Like everything else in the Bible, faith is all about Jesus.

He is the author (the maker or creator) of our faith and he is the finisher.

He completes it, fills in the gaps, and strengthens the weak places of our faith. Romans 12:2

The faith of Jesus is all the faith you will ever need!

None of God’s promises are dependent on your effort or level of faith.

You can’t work up enough faith to get the job done.

Tap into the faith of Jesus. His faith is perfect – and it’s all the faith you need!

Feature Presentation “5 Strategies to Make You More Persistent

There is always some measure of persistence in any success story. But giving up offers no hope of success.

Regardless of the outcome, persisting through tough times and overwhelming odds becomes part of the victory. Here are a few reasons to persist:

  • Persistence gets results.

Few things in life worth achieving are gained without persistence. Nearly all successful people
look up to have a long, hard trail of failures behind them, through which they persisted
. The harder you work, the luckier you get.

  • Persistence sets you apart from everyone else.

Anyone can quit. Quitting is the easy way out. Persisting puts you in a whole different

class of the elite.

  • Persistence builds character.

Giving up takes no effort. Giving up gives one a false sense of relief that ultimately

Feels like defeat. Any growth of muscle or character requires resistance training.

  • Persistence always offers some measure of success.

Just by hanging in there, you’ve accomplished more than most. But in quitting there

is no success. Abraham Lincoln, a man all too familiar with failure said, “If you are

resolutely determined to accomplish some thing, the thing is more than half done

already. Always bear in mind that your resolution to succeed is more important

than any other thing.”

But when the bills are piling up and everyone is telling you to hang it up and get a “real job,” it’s hard to persist. How do you maintain persistence in the face of so much apparent failure and resistance?

Here are 5 Strategies for Boosting Persistence:

  • Believe in yourself and what you have to offer.

Sylvester Stallone was rejected by more than 600 casting agents before developing

his Rocky screenplay. His first film took in $117 million (in 1976 dollars) and made

him more than $5 million.

“Belief is the thermostat that regulates what we accomplish in life. A person is a

product of his own thoughts. Believe BIG! Adjust your thermostat forward. Launch

your success offensive with honest, sincere belief that you can succeed. Believe big

and grow big.” — David J. Schwartz from The Magic of Thinking Big

  • Keep trying new things.

Keep trying new things. The Wright Brothers experienced thousands of failed

experiments before getting it right. Discover your niche. Experiment. “The way to
succeed is to double your failure rate.” — Thomas J. Watson, founder of IBM.

  • Redefine failure.

View minor failed experiments as learning experiences. Now you know one more

way not to succeed. Instead, view quitting as a failure. As long as you persist,

you haven’t failed.

  • When you fall, keep getting up.

Expect to fall, trip, and stumble, but keep getting up. And soon you’ll find that your
business is not only walking but running like a gazelle.

  • Don’t listen to naysayers.

When Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield wrote the Chicken Soup for the Soul

series, they were rejected by 140 publishers. Publishers told them the book wouldn’t

Sell. But when the two authors finally landed a contract with a publisher willing to take

a risk, their books sold over 100 million copies! Don’t listen to naysayers. Instead

spend time with those who believe in you, support you, and encourage you.

Persistence is a key ingredient for success. So, keep at it. Don’t give up. Persist, because success is right around the corner.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode




Ready to shake off the lies and limitations that stop you from prospering? God’s desire for you is that you should prosper in all things, and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.

At PTP 2018, we’ll clear the path for you to experience full prosperity, not only in the area of finance, but in all 7 major zones of life: Faith, Fitness, Family, Fun, Finance, Friends, and Fulfillment.

Join us at this life-changing event, where we will help you:

  • Construct your own prosperity blueprint.
  • Remove the inner conflicts about money, wealth, and possessions.
  • Learn from our world-famous speakers, including Jeff Goins, and many more surprise guests to be announced soon.

PTP is your key to unlock the vaults of wealth, wellness, and wisdom that will prosper you and everyone around you.

REGISTER Now at the rate of $497 per ticket.

VIP seating and red carpet perks are also available, including personal time with Ray.

To get the details, and to get your ticket, go to permissiontoprosper.com

Subscribe to the show through Apple Podcasts and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show.

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Direct download: REP338.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00am PDT

Have you ever struggled with missed deadlines, hurried work, increased stress, and lost opportunities because of procrastination?

Imagine overcoming procrastination once and for all, so you restore joy for your work, strengthen your relationships, and grow your business.

I once was a great procrastinator.  My motto was, “Hey anything worth doing is worth putting off!”  I felt I was “just wired that way.” But over time, I’ve overcome the Procrastination Plague and you can too. You weren’t “just born that way!”

Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

Tip of the Week: Stop This!

Stop saying you “have to”… you don’t “have to” do anything.

  1. What if I don’t?
  2. If #1 doesn’t cause disaster, why bother?
  3. If it still needs to be done have someone else do it.

Spiritual Foundations

“And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from His glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.” — Philippians 4:19, NLT

When Jesus cried out, “It is finished!” the wall of sin that separated us from God crumbled, and God unleashed a flood of His grace upon us. That grace is still flowing toward us today, supplying whatever we need in this life, daily loading us with benefits!

My friend, the essence of God’s grace is SUPPLY. When you are conscious of His supply, instead of the demands of the world, you are under His grace. That’s when you will see His abundant provision for every need and situation.

So if you’re having trouble finding a job, beyond trusting God for employment, see the Lord stirring up the dormant giftings and abilities that He has already placed in you. As you hone these gifts, the Word of God declares that your gifts will unlock doors of opportunities in due season and cause you to stand before great men. Don’t just believe you’ll be employed, believe God to also prepare, grow and develop you for a position of influence in your industry!

Feature Presentation “The Cure for Procrastination

Procrastination is NOT a permanent personality trait. If you tend toward procrastinating, you can change. But first, let’s look at some of the pitfalls of procrastination and why this is such a crucial problem.

Pitfalls of Procrastination

  • Missed deadlines – Customers, clients, vendors, etc. are counting on us to complete a task or project. But when we put off completing that task or project, we fail to meet its deadline.
  • Hurried or sloppy work – When we postpone a project and then rush to try and complete it, our work tends to be second-rate. We miss details and can’t give the project the attention it deserves.
  • Increased stress – When we put off an assignment until the last minute, we sentence ourselves to a life of stress until that assignment is finished. Under stress like that, our health and relationships tend to suffer.
  • Missed opportunities – Entrepreneur Victor Kiam wrote, “Procrastination is opportunity’s natural assassin.” When we put things off till the “eleventh hour,” we’re unprepared to take on new opportunities that present themselves. We’re stuck, trying like mad to finish the obligations that have been piling up and so these new and exciting opportunities pass us by.
  • Defeated attitude – Eventually, the consequences of procrastination catch up with us and get us down. We feel bad about ourselves for all our missed deadlines, the stress we’ve caused ourselves, and for letting others down. We find it hard to climb out of this hole we’ve dug for ourselves.
  • Damaged reputation – Almost without exception, when there are deadlines involved, other people are counting on us. But when we’re late or produce less-than-quality work time and time again, we get a reputation for being unreliable. And that can kill any business.

As you can see, there’s a long, compelling list of the dangers of procrastination. But what causes it? Why do we fall into its trap? A few of the reasons for procrastination might be:

  • Habit
  • Lack of planning
  • Misplaced priorities
  • Distractions
  • Lack of self-discipline
  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of the task itself
  • Unsure of how or where to start on a project

All those reasons and more can lead us into the trap of procrastination. So, let’s focus on the cure!

The Cure for Procrastination

  • Only take on projects that fit. One of the things that promote procrastination is taking on projects that don’t fit our mission, values, or what we enjoy. Accepting these makes us regret it later and we drag our feet. In the end, nobody’s happy.
  • Get it on the calendar. Put your projects, tasks, appointments and any other crucial dates on a calendar that is easy for you to monitor. This is vital for breaking a procrastination habit.
  • Prioritize tasks. Check your calendar often to determine what’s due when. Figure out which projects take priority and tackle them in their priority order. Make a list daily and weekly of what you need to complete to stay on track.
  • Anticipate and eliminate distractions. This takes self-discipline. We especially must resist the temptation to run after those “shiny things” that present themselves to us and distract us from what’s really important.
  • Follow through with action. Action is the antidote for both procrastination and fear. You’ve taken all the above steps, now follow through.
  • Get help when needed. Sometimes a project ends up being much larger than we anticipated. Or perhaps the project involves an expertise that we’re short on. If so, partner with someone to help you and do this early enough that you’re not dragging them past a deadline as well.

Procrastination will ultimately kill our joy for our work, destroy our relationships and undermine our business. If you tend towards procrastination, don’t put off following through with these cures for procrastination!

Resources Mentioned In This Episode


Ready to shake off the lies and limitation that stop you from prospering? God’s desire for you is that you should “prosper in all things, and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.”

At PTP 2018 we’ll clear the path for you to experience full prosperity, not only in the area of finance but in all 7 major zones of life: faith, fitness, family, fun, finance, friends, fulfillment.

Join us at this life-changing event, where we will help you construct your own prosperity blueprint… remove the inner conflicts about money, wealth, and possessions… and learn from our world-famous speakers, including Jeff Goins, and more surprise guests to be announced soon.

PTP is your key to unlock the vaults of wealth, wellness, and wisdom that will prosper you and everyone around you. Register now.

VIP seating and red carpet perks are also available, including personal time with Ray. To get the details, and to get your ticket now at the lowest possible price, go to permissiontoprosper.com


Subscribe to the show through Apple Podcasts and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show.

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Right-Click and “Save As” to Get the PDF Transcript.

Direct download: REP337.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00am PDT

In our fast-paced and entertainment-saturated culture, it’s easy to let book-reading fall by the wayside. In fact, many studies show that after college, the average person only reads 3 more books for the rest of their life!

And don’t be tempted to think that the reading of books is old-fashioned and no longer relevant. There is power in the written word. And whether you’re an entrepreneur, business person, or simply someone who wants to continue to grow, reading books is an effective way to continue your personal development.  

“You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.” — Charlie “Tremendous” Jones

Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

Tip of the Week

Since developing Parkinson’s in 2011, I have been receiving deep-tissue massage therapy as part of my treatment. I started with once a month, then once a week, and these days I get 3 massages a week. Here’s what this has taught me: your body is the frame through which you see the world. If the frame is bent, twisted, or in pain… you will experience the world that way.

Get over your hangups, and go get a massage from a reputable massage therapist. Try it at least once per week for a month or more and let me know the difference it makes in your life!

Spiritual Foundations

Pray Prayers of Proclamation. When you have a need, do you pray or do you plead? Do you begin your prayers with words like, “Please God, please! God, I beg You to have mercy!” Prayers that plead and beg imply that your heavenly Father is not willing to help you. Yet, He is far more gracious and willing to give to you than you are willing to ask, think or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20) He desires above all things that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. (3 John 1:2)

In fact, long before you have a need, God has already met that need. Long before you knew you needed a Savior, He sent His Son to be your Savior. This is your God! He is a good God. So when you beg Him for something, you are actually saying that He is reluctant to give and needs to be persuaded strongly before He will move. Yet, He is not like that.

Jesus knew the heart of the Father. When He saw the woman bound with a spirit of infirmity, He did not pray, “Oh Father! She has been suffering for 18 long years! I beseech You, Father, have mercy on her. Please, please heal her!” No, when Jesus saw her, He immediately proclaimed, “Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity!” He spoke this way because He knew the heart of the Father. He knew that the Father wanted her delivered from her crippling condition.

At the end of a church service, I don’t stand and pray, “Oh God, please bless Your people. Oh God, do keep them. Oh God, be ever so gracious to them!” Instead, I proclaim, “The Lord bless you. The Lord keep you. The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you!”

Beloved, when you pray, proclaim your healing, protection and provision because your Father’s heart overflows with love for you. And when you declare it, He sanctions it. When you declare it, He establishes it!

Feature Presentation “9 Reasons You Need a Book-Reading Plan

Here are 9 reasons you need a book-reading plan:

  • Reading helps keep you current. Books can help keep you current on business trends and strategies. You can either spend thousands of dollars flying around the country going to seminars and masterminds or spend a few dollars on a book! Consider reading Michael Hyatt’s book, Your Best Year Ever – A 5-Step Plan for Achieving Your Most Important Goals.
  • Provides material for your own writing and podcasting. Reading books offers you fresh information, strategies for presenting that information, and great stories to share with your readers. Read Chris Ducker’s book, The Rise of the Youpreneur.
  • Reading books exercises your brain. Joseph Addison wrote, “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” Believe me, in this competitive environment, you don’t want a “flabby” brain!  I challenge you to read a book like, Miracles by Eric Metaxas. I guarantee that book will give your brain a workout.


  • Expands your worldview. Let’s face it. Most of us live and work within a fairly small bubble of relationships. Our market is defined by what and who we know. Reading can broaden our perspective. Consider reading, Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant by W Chan Kim.
  • Stimulates new ideas. Frequently, I’ll be reading a book and the content I’m reading launches me into a totally new idea. Reading does that! If you need some fresh ideas and new thinking for your business, read a book. Try reading, The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss.
  • Increases your vocabulary and conversational skills. Whether you realize it or not, when you’re reading, your mind assimilates new words and phrases. These new modes of expression become part of your vocabulary and find their way into your conversation without your conscious effort. Read Perry Marshall’s book, Evolution 2.0.
  • Makes you a better writer. When you read a book that’s well written, your own writing begins to take on the qualities that you admire in others. Here’s a book that focuses on writing skills, but also features writing at its best: On Writing Well by William Zinsser.
  • Corrects and/or corroborates your thinking. Reading what others think about a topic can either correct our misconceptions or confirm what we’ve held to be true. A best-selling classic that will either challenge or confirm your beliefs is Lee Strobel’s The Case for a Creator.
  • Enriches your life. So far, we’ve been talking primarily about growing our intellect and our business. But reading for pleasure offers many benefits as well. Reading a book before bedtime is a great way to wind down and relax. Recreational reading opens a whole world of history, intrigue, humor, adventure, and fantasy. Reading kicks the borders off your imagination. Patrick Rothfuss’s epic novel, The Name of the Wind, is sure to provide you with an enriching experience.
    Creating A Reading Plan
  • Commit to read a book a month.
  • Create a list of books that you want to read.
  • Read on an e-device or paper. (Consider the option of highlighting and scribbling notes in the margins of a printed book.)
  • Find a reading buddy.
  • Listen to audiobooks. (The retention rate for listening to a book drops significantly over reading it.)

Resources Mentioned In This Episode

Permission to Prosper is your key to unlock the vaults of wealth, wellness, and wisdom that will prosper you and everyone around you.

Join us at this life-changing event, where we will help you construct your own prosperity blueprint… remove the inner conflicts about money, wealth, and possessions… and learn from our world-famous speakers, including Jeff Goins, and more surprise guests to be announced soon.

VIP seating and red carpet perks are also available, including personal time with Ray. To get the details, and to get your ticket now at the lowest possible price, go to permissiontoprosper.com


Subscribe to the show through Apple Podcasts and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show.

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Right-Click and “Save As” to Get the PDF Transcript.


Direct download: REP336.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00am PDT

On this week’s podcast, we discuss “To increase your performance, increase expectation.”  Take note as we shine a spotlight on the 7 Lies That Are Destroying Your Life. If you’ve ever said, “there is nothing I can do, or I have mastered that, or I know that already,” be sure to listen and discover the lies that are quietly destroying your life.

Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

Tip of the Week

To increase performance, increase expectation.

Discover how mastermind groups, the Habit share app, and coaching programs are all about increasing performance by increasing your expectation and your activity.

Spiritual Foundations

Jesus never gave the sick a sermon first or examined their inner condition first. 

He never asked what sin they might have committed to merit their sickness. 

This would have been harsh and would have hurt the sick even more.

So, why are we so quick to judge the sick?

Jesus said, “Whoever comes to me, I will not reject.” 

This is why it is always wrong to think that illness is a “blessing in disguise.”

Let us remember this, all who came and those who brought the sick and lame to Jesus had a great deal of faith and hope. The Savior welcomes each one who comes to him.

Remember this simple principle: Good things come from God and bad things come from the Devil. 

Feature Presentation “7 Lies That Are Destroying Your Life”

  • The first rule of science is you must not be fooled – Uncover why you are the easiest person to fool.
  • Discover why “I know that already, that’s common knowledge” is lie #1 that is destroying your life – Knowing or doing, this is the key difference that impacts everything in your life.
  • The danger of assumptions, automatic rebuttals and refutation – Why camping out in the rebuttal zone gets you nowhere.
  • Bursting the “unique snowflake” myth – How to grasp the reality that plus or minus 5% we are all the same (including our businesses).
  • “What one person can do another person can do.” – How to harness the power of the Anthony Hopkins’ philosophy and grow your business and your life.
  • Why the cemetery is filled with people who had long “someday” lists – How to overcome the illusion, “I have plenty of time,” because it’s stealing the life you want.
  • What if money is not a solution to your spiritual problems – For once and all settle this fundamental question about money.
  • Have you been fooling yourself when it comes to mastery? – In order to move forward it’s essential to distinguish between hearing and doing and growing and dying.
  • Since mastery is a path not a destination, examine your life – If there is no steady state and you are either growing or dying, which are you?
  • How to exploit the power of the stimulus, pause, response cycle and transform your life.
  • Why right thinking will be rewarded, and wrong thinking will be punished.
  • Discover Victor Frankl’s research on victimhood and the power of choice – The one freedom you have that can’t be taken from you.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode

Mastermind groups, the Habit share app, and coaching programs

Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl


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Direct download: REP335.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00am PDT