Ray Edwards Show
Ray Edwards is a sought-after Copywriter, Author, Speaker, and Communications Strategist. His clients include Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Jeff Walker, Robert Allen, and more. On this show, Ray helps you start, run, and grow their Internet-based businesses. The show includes interviews with well-known experts like Michael Hyatt, Jeff Goins, Dan Miller, Cliff Ravenscraft, Michael Stelzner, Amy Porterfield, Don Miller, and many others.

NOTE: The title of today's episode is the work of Ben Settle, who promptly smacked my wrist for grabbing one of his old subject lines – and rightfully so. Ben is a friend – but we don't steal from our enemies. We certainly don't steal from our friends! So sorry, el Benbo. The slight was not intentional, but that don't make it right. We changed the name of the episode to reflect Ben's ownership of the term, and we also changed the graphic for the post. Finally, I emailed out subscribers explaining this to them. We do credit Ben in the episode itself – that was always there. And now… on with the show!

The week we were recording this we were heading to San Diego for one of the best conferences in the online marketing industry, Social Media Marketing World. Sean and were all excited for another reason. The city of San Diego now has Lime Scooters which make enjoying a downtown area so much more fun!

We start this week’s episode talking about…

  • (1:09) Why Tiffany thinks Sean needs a date and how she plans to make this happen.
  • (3:15) Why Social Media Marketing World is such a great conference and how it helps you avoid the crooks and scumbags of internet marketing.
  • (9:13) Why Jesus encouraged his followers to be like snakes, even though snakes are usually compared to Satan.

We also discuss…

  • (13:40) The three reasons why most companies have what Ben Settle (at BenSettle.com) calls “phantom pooping prospects” and what you can do to help these customers feel calm and confident when it’s time to buy.
  • (18:42) Sean’s journey in applying Seth Godin’s most exciting recent teaching… “People like us do things like this” …  to the Revel77 Coffee Shop.
  • (45:10) My answers to more of Tiffany’s embarrassing questions about things like sacrificing your organs, deciding whether to travel to the past or the future if time travel was a real possibility and why you might consider avoiding the shower for a month.

Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

Ray’s Tip of the Week:

  • (7:41) This new duo of apps is helping our team be more consistent and classy with our Instagram Stories.
  • (8:10) Why the free templates for this app kind of suck and what to get instead.

Spiritual Foundations:

  • (9:25) The New Testament verse that urges you to be like a snake and how it can save your business.
  • (11:59) Why the common idea that Jesus was always meek and gentle is completely wrong and why the Lamb of God suggested we take a leaf out of the Serpent's playbook.

Feature Presentation:

  • (13:40) Why many of your company’s prospects are like dogs sniffing around for the perfect place to poop. They circle, they look like their going to do the deed, and then they move on to another spot asking themselves, “is this the perfect spot for me?”
  • (15:22) What business owners need to learn about their “phantom pooping prospects.” This lesson can help even the most constipated buyers feel safe and comfortable enough to make a smooth move into your business.
  • (15:40) The three mistakes most businesses make with their “phantom pooping prospects.” Each of these mistakes is easy to fix. All it takes is a little empathy.
  • (18:42) The live “consulting call” that shows you how to apply master-marketer Seth Godin’s revolutionary teachings to your brick and mortar business. As Sean takes the conversation into an extended tangent about the running of Revel77 Coffee Shop, you’ll discover the high-level psychological reasons for making certain judgment calls in your business and how they can either help or hinder your marketing success.
  • (30:20) Why simple questions like “who is your perfect customer” and “what’s the real problem you’re solving” can fix even the most complicated decisions in your company culture. Even the challenges of creating a unique atmosphere and being different than others in your market all come down to these basic questions.
  • (37:55) Why something as simple as “punch cards” in your store can spoil your company’s image and put you out of business. Even the dilemma caused by giving your customers what they want and seeking uniqueness in your market teaches you something important about your phantom pooping prospects, what kind of dogs they are, and how best to serve them.

Tiffany asks embarrassing questions:

  • (45:10) What was one of the most difficult things you’ve had to overcome, apart from the physical challenges you have with Parkinson's disease? How a submarine commander played by Matthew McConaughey can help everyone overcome the scariest unknowns in life.
  • (47:27) Would you rather sell one of your possessions or one of your organs? And if it’s an organ, which one?
  • (48:40) Would you rather give up bathing for a month? Or the internet?
  • (49:26) Would you rather have hands that kept growing as you got older or feet that kept growing as you got older?
  • (50:15) Would you rather be transmitted permanently 500 years into the future or 500 years into the past?


This episode of the Ray Edwards podcast is being brought to you by the Ray Edwards Certified Copywriter Training.

This is your opportunity to become a professional copywriter. Or if you already are one, to expand your reach and credibility by becoming certified by one of the most sought after most acclaimed copywriters in the online direct response marketing field. And it feels a little weird to say this, but that would be me, Ray Edwards.

I would love to work with you and help you get certified as a copywriter that we can recommend and put our endorsement and stamp on and say, “this is a person you could hire to write copy.”

If you want more information about the certified copywriter program, simply go to RayEdwards.com/training.


This episode of the Ray Edwards podcast is brought to you by, the book, How To Write Copy That Sells: The Step-by-Step System for More Sales, to More Customers, More Often. This is the definitive summation of my best knowledge and ideas about writing copy that sells without sounding or feeling salesy or pushy.
Right now you can get a copy of my book absolutely free. All we ask is that you help out with the shipping, $7 anywhere in the world. Right now, while it’s on your mind, go to RayEdwards.com/freebook to request your copy today. I know it will help you sell more of whatever it is you sell. That’s RayEdwards.com/freebook.




Subscribe to the show through Apple Podcasts and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show.

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Direct download: REP381.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00am PDT

This week we’re taking off the gloves! My son Sean and I–along with Tiffany and Adrianne–get down and dirty in a heated discussion about Capitalism and Socialism. It all started with a controversial Facebook post I wrote about why I’m a proud Capitalist Pig… oink, oink!

We’re also going to talk about…

  • An online tool that allows you to “exponentialize” your social media content. You can create content one time and have it show up in many different social media platforms, “automagically.”
  • The time I fell into the dangerous trap of judgment. Why and when you should or should not judge others and what the consequences of doing so can be if you’re as careless or insensitive as I was.
  • Why Sean and I believe Socialism is “evil.” How a government based on Socialist financial ideas is holding a gun to the head of every business owner.

How to put out the fire of a heated political debate. Hint: all it takes is a quick Q & A about hoverboards, 10-inch bellybuttons, and tastebuds in your butt… You’ll see…

Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

Spiritual Foundations

This week I share what I learned from a painful “foot-in-my-mouth” situation. The worst part was, my words were directed at a friend was dying from cancer… I ate a heap of humble pie as a result…

  • (1:45) With weeks to live, my friend told me how much the ministry of a famous TV pastor meant to him. Hear how insensitive I was and what it taught me about being quick to pass harsh judgment.
  • (2:35) Patiently allowing me to explain why I thought this TV minister was theologically wrong, my friend gently helped me see what a fool I was being. I had let my judgment of the minister cloud my mind and make me blind to the more important, more truly ‘Christian’ lesson my friend taught me.

Ray’s Tip of the Week:

  • (3:52) This is the coolest service I’ve seen in a long time. Are you a content creator like me? If so, you won't want to miss this ‘tip of the week’ … it will change your life!
  • (4:05) Use this tool to repurpose to content across the internet. For example, do you host a podcast? This tool converts your episodes into several shorter, engaging videos. It posts them to all the major platforms “automagically.” Imagine the amount of time this will save you and your team!

Feature Presentation:

We had all kinds of fun and got pretty riled about the ideas and ripple effects of Socialisms and it’s pervasiveness in our culture.

  • (5:30) Hear the word-for-word “rant” I posted on Facebook about being a Capitalist Pig. Get a load of some of the outrageous 184 responses I got. I won’t use the 4-letter words, but you’ll get the gist.
  • (6:46) Why one of my friends suggested I run for President in 2020. Ha! Fat chance! But… just in case… #RayEdwards2020.
  • (8:01) Sean shares 2 socialist “horror” stories from the family coffee shop, Revel77. The real threat to their business and how he’s not going to put up with it anymore.
  • (10:00) Why remaining silent when evil ideas are spread is almost as bad as spreading them yourself. How this discussion prompted a zinger of a comment from one of my friends… “Don’t expose people to the truth. They’re very fragile.”
  • (11:40) What people started assuming about my beliefs based on the few things I said. This drives me bananas!
  • (11:59) Tiffany’s thoughts about the ridiculousness of a $15/hour minimum wage. What is says about the people who get this kind of pay with little to no education and how it’s harming society.
  • (12:42) Adrian shares her thoughts about minimum wage and how hard she had to work early in her career to get that kind of money. Why it’s not fair to pay someone the same amount when they have little to no training.
  • (13:59) The benefits of being paid on merit. Why do people think that somehow it’s my fault if the Walmart Greeter doesn’t make enough to support him or herself?
  • (15:27) The most undemocratic thing a country can do. The only two ways governments get money to fix social ills.
  • (16:18) Why we’re all in a constant state of “dilution.” How the government dilutes the value of the dollar with either of its methods of increasing the amount of cash available in the economy.
  • (17:50) The twisted insult that made me wonder whether this “friend” is really much of a “friend” after all. Even his attempt at softening the blow drove the dagger deeper.
  • (18:34) How Socrates described the recourse of losers. The truth hurts pretty bad, after all.
  • (19:00) Why welfare checks and giving people a basic living wage violates human nature. The basic differences between animals and humans prove Capitalist ideas as the most rewarding way for people to adapt and survive.
  • (21:29) The secret to a long and prosperous life. How ignoring this truth has created a nation of sick people who don’t know how to live life and thrive on Cheeto dust and Netflix binges instead.
  • (22:20 ) Why charity has to be completely voluntary or else it becomes a form of slavery. How most forms of taxation are little more than “charity at gunpoint.”
  • (23:46) How governments use the threat of violence to prove safety nets and welfare for people who refuse to take care of themselves. Why entrepreneurs, not politicians, are the real job creators.
  • (25:22) Why Capitalist Pigs are responsible for all the great things we have in society today. Why governments think can they control and over-regulate businesses and how it destroys the potential for economic growth.
  • (26:19) Why considering holding someone at gunpoint is the best way to determine how you should vote for a new law or policy. This litmus test quickly clarifies your moral feelings on any given policy change.
  • (29:18) Why the government's socialistic practices make it so expensive to run a business. Why this made us seriously consider closing the coffee shop and giving up on this style of business.
  • (31:28) How important it is that we not let dangerous soul-killing ideas spread uncontested. Why keeping your head down and your mouth shut can be as harmful as causing the injustice in the first place.
  • (32:17) Two toxic doctrines of demons so prevalent in our society. Why the only hope for humanity is to ruthlessly abandon these ideas.

Tiffany’s “Would You Rather” Q&A Session:

  • (33:35) Would we rather live in a world where huge friendly gummy bears walk around or where hoverboards exist?
  • (35:15) Would we rather live the rest of our lives with Cheeto dust on our fingers or have taste buds in our butts?
  • (35:31) Would we rather have accordions for legs or have 10-inch long belly buttons?
  • (36:42) What were the high points and the low points of our week? One included working on Sunday and the other involved an accidental double dose of medication.
  • (38:45) What were the best parts of our recent trip to Nashville? We picked between live music, shopping, and Tiffany being like a grandma and going to be early.
  • (40:58) Adrian's simple cure for pink eye and how to use a type of baby soap to clear it up in a jiffy.


This episode of the Ray Edwards podcast is being brought to you by the Ray Edwards Certified Copywriter Training.

This is your opportunity to become a professional copywriter. Or if you already are one, to expand your reach and credibility by becoming certified by one of the most sought after most acclaimed copywriters in the online direct response marketing field. And it feels a little weird to say this, but that would be me, Ray Edwards.

I would love to work with you and help you get certified as a copywriter that we can recommend and put our endorsement and stamp on and say, “this is a person you could hire to write copy.”

If you want more information about the certified copywriter program, simply go to RayEdwards.com/Training.


Right now you can get a copy of my book “How To Write Copy That Sells” absolutely free. All we ask is that you pay the $7 shipping. Visit www.RayEdwards.com/freebook to request your copy today.




Subscribe to the show through Apple Podcasts and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show.

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Direct download: REP380.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00am PDT

On today’s episode, I am interviewing Dr. Gus Vickery, a doctor in North Carolina and the author of the book, “Authentic Health.” As a part of his practice, he goes deep down in his patient’s history and blood work to find an individualized plan for them so they can live their healthiest life and possibly reverse their diseases. And he did this for me.  Listen on to hear my test results and what he suggests.

Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

4:14 Dr. Vickery talks about how he came to know me.

6:08 Why Dr. Vickery wrote “Authentic Health.”

6:50 The diseases that we think are normative, may be curable.

8:30 The major pillar of the book- Finding your meaning or calling, to make it easier to correct your behavior.

9:40 How we can change our bad habits.

11:38 Is big Pharma evil?

12:40 Overall, Pharmaceutical companies are just selling products to a marketplace to help people with their diseases. 

15:45 Doctors do not have time to give the education a patient needs to become truly healthy.

17:00 Food companies design processed foods to be addictive, and they do give you poor health.

19:58 Freeing yourself go diseases does not mean you will lose all the weight you need to.

20:50 Some diseases that we treat with medications are reversible.

22:44 Having an individualized health plan is the best way for all humans to achieve optimal health.

25:18 There are the foundational principles for all people that will make them healthy, but because of the .3% difference in our DNA and our different histories, we must do some different things that every other human.

27:00 Most people are reading articles and just guessing what they should be doing to be healthy, but that may not be best for them. 

29:00 Everyone should have this kind of in-depth testing at some point in their lives.

31:00 Dr. Vickery goes through my specific results and shares what he is suggesting for me and my health.


Purchase the Authentic Health book HERE

You can find Dr. Vickery's site here: www.drgusvickery.com/ray

Subscribe to the show through Apple Podcasts and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show.

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Direct download: REP379.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00am PDT

Today on the show, we talk about how to get clients now and the 3 pillars of building a copywriting business. We also do Q&A with Ray where my assistant, Tiffany, asks me some questions that you may or may not want to know the answers to.

Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

Spiritual Foundations

8:00- There is a passage in James that says you are not supposed to be  boasting about tomorrow. Does this mean we shouldn’t have goals?  

9:05- Choose goals that are challenging and stretch you, but are realistic.

10:34- You should talk about what you are planning to do, God willing. Is this correct?

12:30: You do not know what tomorrow holds.

16:17: James was addressing a specific group to the people at the time.  That doesn’t mean that it doesn’t apply now.

17:50: Send your thoughts about this on an MP3 file to support@rayedwards.com

Tip Of The Week

Just Press Record

You just press a big red button to talk and then you just hit “transcribe”.

You can also share the file and transcript with other people.


Feature Presentation “How to Get Clients Now”

3 Pillars of Starting A Copywriting Business

  1. Do the most lucrative form of writing- Direct response sales copy.
  2. Get good at writing copy- Study and get feedback from someone who knows what they are doing.
  3. Get Clients.

So how to you do this?

  1. Be so good they can’t ignore you.
  2. Alienate the right people. Figure out who your perfect client is, and talk to them
  3. Tell Client success stories. If you don’t have any- Get some!


Go to seminars and workshops for the area you specialize in.  

And now, Tiffany leads us where angels fear to tread

  • My bad habit- Oreo McFlurries.
  • What is in my bag? My camera- Canon M50.
  • My story of how I decided I wanted to write.
  • My earliest Happy memory- pooping.
  • I would rather not restart my life, I would rather continue my life.


This episode of the Ray Edwards Show is made possible in part by The All-New Ray Edwards Endorsed Service Provider & Certified Copywriter Program, where I help anyone who wants to make big money from their writing without getting a publisher or having a bestseller, and even if nobody knows who you are. Get my proven methods, systems, and even my endorsement – go to www.edwardscertified.com

Subscribe to the show through Apple Podcasts and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show.

Get The Transcript

Right-Click and “Save As” to Get the PDF Transcript.

Direct download: REP378.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00am PDT