Ray Edwards Show
Ray Edwards is a sought-after Copywriter, Author, Speaker, and Communications Strategist. His clients include Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Jeff Walker, Robert Allen, and more. On this show, Ray helps you start, run, and grow their Internet-based businesses. The show includes interviews with well-known experts like Michael Hyatt, Jeff Goins, Dan Miller, Cliff Ravenscraft, Michael Stelzner, Amy Porterfield, Don Miller, and many others.

Today we are talking about marketing and specifically how we are marketing in our businesses and the meaning of life.

Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

This Episode is Sponsered by How To Write Copy That Sells

You can get my book by just paying for shipping. Get it here: Rayedwards.com/freebook


Is Jesus against materialism? I share my thoughts on this subject and why a statement an author made recently about this made me angry.   

Do you make assumptions about other people and the status of their soul? Let's be kind and accepting of each other.


The Panasonic GH5 is still the best camera you can find and use for your videos. It is about $1500. You can find it here: https://shop.panasonic.com/cameras-and-camcorders/cameras/lumix-interchangeable-lens-ilc-cameras/DC-GH5KBODY.html

FEATURE PRESENTATION “Marketing And The Meaning Of Life”

When we bought the coffee shop, we had to invest a lot of time and money. Through that, we have tried a lot of ways to market the shop to make a profit. Today, Sean and I discuss our marketing efforts, what we have learned and why this investment is so worth it for us. 

Jay Abraham said the best way to make more money in your business is:

  1. Get more customers
  2. Get those customers to spend more money
  3. Increase the frequency of those transactions from those customers.



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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00am PDT

What’s the highest leverage skill you can learn in business? What if there was a skill you could learn that would allow you to:

Create a new product or company from thin air?
Create cash windfalls on command
Convince others of your belief or cause
Decide your income and make it real
Become location independent
Save a company or start a new one
Attract and grow a tribe
Launch or relaunch a product
Get a raise or promotion
Start a movement
Lower marketing costs AND increase revenue & profits
Spread your ideas globally

There is one skill that can do all this and more – and we’re going to unpack it today.

Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

Here are the books I recommend you read if you want to reinvent your life and the way you think about it.

SPONSOR #1 – How To Write Copy That Sells

You can get my book by just paying for shipping. Get it here: Rayedwards.com/freebook


How to Love Your Neighbor Well

In Matthew 22:36-40  Jesus says you must love your neighbor as yourself:

36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”

37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment.39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”

Do something to love yourself well and you will begin to love your neighbors well, too.


Doorframe Triggers- This is an idea I learned from Jordan Harbinger. It's a bit of a mindset hack.

Put a reminder above the doorframe you walk through the most of the thing you wanted to be reminded of daily.

FEATURE PRESENTATION “One Skill to Rule Them All”

The one skill you need in life is Copywriting. Nora Ephron said that “Everything is copy“, and that is very true.
Get my book – rayedwards.com/freebook
Study the greats – Eugene Schwartz, Claude Hopkins, Robert Collier, John Caples, David Ogilvy, Jay Abraham, John Carlton, Clayton Makepeace
Take a course
Attend a workshop
Apprentice or get certified
The path of mastery.
How to prosper while you practice. (Freelancing)

Ask about our certification at support@rayedwards.com

Or here : www.edwardscertified.com

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Eugene Schwartz letters:




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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00am PDT

This is episode 371 of The Ray Edwards Show. I get asked frequently, how I became who I am and why I believe what I believe. I read and form opinions from what I read, and I am very good at finding brilliant minds. So I am sharing some of my favorite books from some of the most brilliant minds with you. Listen on to hear my recommendations. 

Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

Here are the books I recommend you read if you want to reinvent your life and the way you think about it.

Books on Philosophy:

Ayn Rand: Fountainhead

Ayn Rand: Atlas Shrugged

Leonard Peikoff: Objectivism: The philosophy of Ayn Rand

Jordan Peterson: 12 Rules For Like

Andy Andrews:  How Do You Kill 11 Million People

Eric Hoffer: The True Believer

Robert Cialdini: Influence Science and Practice

Luke Rhinehart: The Book of Est

Dale Carnegie: How To Win Friends and Influence People

Wallace Wattles: The Science of Getting Rich

Wallace Wattles: The Science of Being Well

Wallace Wattles: The Science of Being Great

Wallace Wattles: The Science of Success

Viktor Frankl: Man’s Search For Meaning

Books on Money and Finance:

Dave Ramsey: Financial Peace

Dave Ramsey: Total Money Makeover

Rabbi Daniel Lapin: Thou Shall Prosper- Ten Commandments for Making Money

Tony Robbins: Unshakeable

Napoleon Hill: Think and Grow Rich 

Books on Business:

Tim Ferriss: The 4-Hour Workweek

Cal Newport: Deep Work

Hans Rosling: Factfulness


Seth Godin: This is Marketing

Donald Miller: Building a StoryBrand

Rick Warren: Purpose Driven Church

Jay Abraham: Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got

Perry Marshall: 80/20 Sales and Marketing

Jeff Walker: Launch

Michael Hyatt: Platform

Health and Wellness:

Chris Crowley and Henry Lodge: Younger Next Year

William Davis: Undoctored 

Daniel Amen: The Brain Warrior’s Way

David Perlmutter MD:  Brain Maker

Profound Knowledge Books:

Tim Ferriss:  Tools of Titans

Tim Ferriss:  Tribe of Mentors

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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00am PDT

This week I am talking to the 10-minute workday creator, Ben Settle. We discuss trolls, social media, and what is coming out in the future.

Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

Here are the highlights from today’s episode:

•    Ben plans his year out 2 or 3 years ahead.         

•    How Ben manages to have a ten-minute workday. Really.

•    Ben has a product that he launched, and gets paid for every year- and yet he did virtually no work on it.

•    Ben publishes a newsletter about email marketing – but he never posts it online – and for an excellent reason. 

•    The interesting way Ben wrote his two books on “The Persuasion Secrets of Super-Villains”.

•    Why Ben loves trolls. He actually uses troll comments to grow his business, and from them,  has written a book named “Copy Trolls.” 

•    Ben quit all social media and deleted all of his accounts. After doing this, his productivity has gone through the roof. 

Peace to you and peace to your house.

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Welcome to the Ray Edwards show and 2019! For the first podcast of the year, I am talking to Amy Porterfield. We tackle life coaches, how to overcome your emotions, how to accept B+ work and why, and how Amy is making significant changes in her business, and you can, too. 

Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

Here are the highlights from today’s show:

•    It is okay to feel emotions, in fact, it is good. But you can not let your feelings overcome you and determine your actions.

•    Brook Castillo teaches that it is okay to do B+ work and that you do not always have to have a  perfect A+ output, despite what you were raised to believe. If doing the A+ job robs you of time with your family or any other joy, it is okay to settle for your B+ work. Your customers will never even notice the difference.

•    Change your thoughts to change your actions. It just takes little tweaks and commitment. If you hate working out, do it in the morning and get it done so you can do the things you need to in your day.

•    In your business, you need to put yourself out there and not worry about what everyone will think. Just believe in your capabilities and do the work.

•    Mindset is just as important in your business as the strategy and is often far more challenging to overcome. 

Amy has retired her old programs and has created an entirely new training for her students.  Amy is teaching how you can create and sell your course online, and that everyone can do it.  Everyone has something they can teach and make a business out of it.

Join Amy’s webinar and Masterclass. You will be happy you did.



Amy’s Webinar: www.rayedwards.com/DCA

Brook Castillo: https://thelifecoachschool.com/

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