Ray Edwards Show
Ray Edwards is a sought-after Copywriter, Author, Speaker, and Communications Strategist. His clients include Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Jeff Walker, Robert Allen, and more. On this show, Ray helps you start, run, and grow their Internet-based businesses. The show includes interviews with well-known experts like Michael Hyatt, Jeff Goins, Dan Miller, Cliff Ravenscraft, Michael Stelzner, Amy Porterfield, Don Miller, and many others.

Just a sampling of comments on our last few podcasts…

  • “You have ruined your podcast.”
  • “I thought you were a Christian.”
  • “You’re a complete f-ing a-hole.”

And to be fair:

  • “Best podcast you have ever done.”
  • “This was a GREAT episode!”
  • “Ray, I have always liked your show, but I love it now that you have Tiffany and Sean with you!”

In today’s podcast, I’ll answer the questions about what’s going on with our show, what you can expect in future episodes, and why we’re making all the changes.


Click here to download or listen to this episode now.


2:19: Sean clarifies what he meant in last weeks podcast

4:05: The initial error in society was that girls and guys were told they needed to look like whatever super model was the standard.

13:15: You have to take responsibility for your own actions and reactions in life.

21:00: Altruism says that you are your best human when you are compassionate and empathetic.

24:00: Compassion and empathy really helps turn people into victims.

25:53: There is a difference between being victimized, and being a victim.

36:00: You are not in control of what happens to you, but you are in control of what comes from you when that happens.

37:00: Sean tells us all about the tattoo he will be getting in the near future.

Q&A With Ray : send your questions to tiffany@rayedwards.com.

Subscribe to the show through Apple Podcasts and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show.

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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00am PDT

Today on the podcast we are talking about TV preachers, how people feed their delusions and the meaning of beauty. Also, we have some fun questions that my assistant, Tiffany, asks in our new Q&A section.

Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

0:50- TV Preachers are still a billion-dollar industry. Why is this? 

4:20- Sean’s interesting take on how all of us have delusions. 

6:25- “People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions, and help them throw rocks at their enemies.” -Blair Warren

8:25- You don’t know what you don’t know. You may not know that you have been deceived.

11:45- The deception of the fitness industry.

12:52- Beauty and the world’s definition of beauty.

14:40-There is an error that says all women should look like a supermodel. 

19:11- Can you decide to change your mind to shift your attitude to then change your weight and fitness level?

21:00- High and unachievable standards women are expected to achieve in our society. 

24:16- Do people make excuses to be unhealthy?

26:30- Every human has a value to the work, society, and God that goes beyond how you look, and it cannot be taken from you. 

27:27- Are you choosing to walk in the fullness of your beauty?

33:39- We want our delusion affirmed. What delusions are you claiming?

Q&A With Ray : send your questions to tiffany@rayedwards.com.

Subscribe to the show through Apple Podcasts and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show.

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Direct download: REP376.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00am PDT

Let’s say I discovered a secret language pattern than could force people to buy whatever I’m selling. Would you wan to know this tactic? Would you use it? What if people bought stuff they couldn’t afford for no other reason tan your tricky marketing tactics? Would that make you evil … or them gullible?

All this and more in a rough-cut podcast recoding in an empty boardroom after a day full go meetings…

Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

[01:00] How the beauty & fashion industry destroys girls.
[02:00] Meet our producer, Kris Edwards.
[02:51] How having an 11-year old daughter changes one’s perspective.
[03:48] Our producer’s real job
[04:29] How to use Instagram in a totally unhealthy way.
[05:01] The use of addiction to make marketing sell more product.
[06:11] The creative use of zombies as a presenting tool.
[07:11] How we use Facebook. Or don’t use Facebook.
[10:55] Ray explains how the pharmaceutical companies may be hijacking your heath care by brainwashing (and paying off) your doctor.
[12:01] What is our responsibility when evil marketing its used against us.
[16:27] Am I, Ray Edwards, teaching people to use evil tactics to sell bad stuff to people?
[17:45] Is there a moral iterative to sell hard and use persuasion tactics?
[19:04] What role does the consumer play in making the evil possible.
[20:01] The question that Sean will not answer.
[20:38] What CEOs will never do.
[22:11] Is CONTENT marketing evil?
[25:57] How TV preachers manipulate defenseless people.
[29:02] The Televangelist who was o his marketing game.
[34:25] Marketers who teach us how to market with Evil Intent.

Plus, Tiffany grills Kris and Sean about what kind of brother and dad, Ray was…

[36:08] Bad things the Edwards brothers did to one another.
[37:43] Kris tells the story of how Ray got locked in the library as a young kid.
[39:12] Sean talks about what kind of Dad Ray was… and the big battle over discipline method between Ray and Lynn.

Subscribe to the show through Apple Podcasts and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show.

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Direct download: REP375.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:17am PDT

Today’s podcast is completely different than anything I have done in the past. Today, you get to listen in as my Executive Assistant, Tiffany Laughter-Twining, and my Personal Assistant, Adriane Allred – interview me. They’re asking me all the toughest, most personal questions come from you, O Constant Listener. I somehow suspect they slipped in a question or two of their own as well. Expect to be entertained and surprised.

Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

In this shockingly open conversation, you’ll hear…

  • [01:26] Where does Ray do his grocery shopping, and how much is his grocery budget?
  • [01:53] Is it true Ray has a cook?
  • [02:43] What’s going on with Ray – he dresses differently, wears a lot of black, is getting tattoos … is Ray having a midlife crisis?
  • [03:02] What is this thing Ray calls his “awakening” – and what part does Parkinson’s Disease play in it?
  • [05:01] How much was Ray paid to speak in Hong Kong – and why did he agree to do it?
  • [06:25] How is it possible Ray seems younger than he did 3 years ago?
  • [06:40] How far will Ray continue pushing boundaries – and what boundaries will he push next?
  • [07:01] What miraculous truth has Ray discovered about aging, youth, energy and life?
  • [08:16] Why was Ray anti-social from a young age, and how has he only recently begun to change all that?
  • [10:22] What role has Cards Against Humanity played in his social awakening?
  • [11:45] What does Ray think about all the “”heat” he’s gotten from fellow Christians about his tattoo?
  • [12:27] Why does Ray have a problem with the term “Christian”? Does he even still follow Jesus?
  • [15:03] What is the place Ray calls “Hogwarts for Christians”?
  • [16:01] Whose cult is right?
  • [17:04] Why did Ray choose the owl for the design of his tattoo?
  • [18:04] The most embarrassing thing that’s happened Ray in the last year – and his surprising response to the question.
  • [20:03] The most favorite of all Ray’s Uber rides.
  • [22:01] The Uber ride that changed one person’s life.
  • [23:02] The one question Tiffany thought Ray would not answer – has he ever done drugs, and if so, which drugs.
  • [25:50] What are Ray’s “guilty pleasure” TV shows and movies.
  • [27:45] What does Ray watch when he’s alone in a hotel room? (It’s not what you think)…
  • [29:01] In what areas is Ray experiencing personal growth?
  • [33:03] What boundaries which Ray is consciously pushing?
  • [34:02] What things did Ray once shy away from speaking plainly about in public – but now he’s not careful or guarded about what he says.’
  • [36:11] Why Ray confounds Evangelicals, churchy people, and yet loves and values them all.
  • [37:26] Ways in which Ray is pushing physical boundaries – and why?
  • [38:30] Assumptions people make about Ray he would like to correct,
  • [39:03] Ray briefly considers becoming a criminal mastermind…
  • [40:03] Ray’s real view about profanity.
  • [41:06] How often is Ray recognized while traveling and how does he feel about it.
  • [42:15] Ray plays 3 rounds of “Would You Rather?”
  • [45:23] Why Ray wants to spy on the Pope.
  • [46:23] What would Ray change in his life – and how does he feel about his life right now, as it is?

Subscribe to the show through Apple Podcasts and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show.

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Direct download: REP374.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00am PDT