Mon, 26 March 2018
No, it’s not like I had a bag with $200 Million Dollars and left it at the bus depot. But today, I’m going to share with you what turned out to be the 3 Primary Lessons I Learned From Losing $200 Million Dollars.
Should we love the Giver rather than the Gift? Click here to download or listen to this episode now. Tip of the WeekNo gadget…no gizmo…just a fact that blew me away. The fantasy football market generates 70 billion dollars a year. Think about this astounding fact and send us three profound marketing truths embedded and implied in this statement. We will send a prize to the first astute marketer who emails us three profound marketing truths based on the fantasy football league market. (No, it’s not a Ferrari.) Send to Spiritual Foundations
Feature Presentation “3 Things I Learned From Losing $200 Million“
Resources Mentioned In This EpisodeAyn Rand Francis Bacon
Subscribe to the show through Apple Podcasts and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show. Get The Transcript |
Mon, 19 March 2018
Today I want to enter into an interesting discussion Ken MacArthur started on Facebook Ken states, “Serious question, I’ve always been a skeptic. I have no problem under-promising and over-delivering, but I’ve always been hesitant to make a ‘Big Promise.’ Given the current state of the world I live in, I’m more inclined to think things like ‘most people will fail, most of the time when they start something new.’ That’s why babies don’t walk on the first try. Making a ‘big promise’ is part of the sales conversation equation. Some of my mentors find it essential and don’t believe you can close high-ticket sales without one. Obviously, showing value and creating trust impact your sales. The skeptic in me always hesitates to promise anything. Do you ever wrestle with this kind of question?” Today, I unpack Ken MacArthur’s crucial question all entrepreneurs and marketers must answer, “Should I make a ‘Big Promise’?” Click here to download or listen to this episode now. Tip of the WeekThis week’s tip of the week is The Ridge, a wallet that is minimalist without being limited, so you can carry less and always have what you need. It’s RFD protected, so you’re identity will not be stolen. Check out the EDC Movement, it’s about getting the most out of what you carry (efficiency, utility, and worth). Even if the wallet doesn’t interest you… be sure to check out their website. Spiritual FoundationsThe Spiritual Foundation is from the Sermon on the Mount and follows the theme of today’s podcast, “Are Big, Bold Promises Biblical?” Uncover what the Bible says in Matthew 5:33-37: “You have also heard that our ancestors were told, ‘You must not break your vows; you must carry out the vows you make to the Lord.’ But I say, do not make any vows! Do not say, ‘By heaven!’ because heaven is God’s throne. And do not say, ‘By the earth!’ because the earth is his footstool. And do not say, ‘By Jerusalem!’ for Jerusalem is the city of the great King. Do not even say, ‘By my head!’ for you can’t turn one hair white or black. Just say a simple, ‘Yes, I will,’ or ‘No, I won’t.’ Anything beyond this is from the evil one.” Deliver on your promise. If it’s a Big, Bold Promise, good, keep it.
Feature Presentation “Why You MUST Make Big, Bold Promises“
Resources Mentioned In This Episode
The Ridge wallet The Bible Subscribe to the show through Apple Podcasts and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show. Get The Transcript |
Mon, 12 March 2018
Time is an interesting resource unlike any other. Any two people have differing financial resources, and differing skills and talents. We have different opportunities, different circumstances, and a different network of friends and acquaintances. But we all have the same number of hours in a day, week, month or year. When it comes to time, we’re all on level ground. No one has extra hours stashed away in a savings account for a rainy day. None of us has the ability to turn the clock back, stop it, or even slow it down. Our daily allotment of time is a 24-hour-period, or is it? Today we talk about how we can actually multiply our time. Learn how to optimize your time today by applying the 4Ps: Planning, Persistence, Patience, and People. Click here to download or listen to this episode now.
Spiritual FoundationsIt’s a curious thing. We love to quote Isaiah 54:17, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.” But chances are, you know some Christians who are constantly faced with overwhelming challenges, defeat, tragedy, and sickness. What is happening here? You see that the promise comes with a condition, “In righteousness you shall be established.” So it is when we are established in righteousness that we will be far from oppression, terror, tragedy, and not a single weapon formed against us will prosper. How can we possibly be righteous? It turns out, you already have righteousness. When you receive Jesus as your Savior, you are also given the gift of righteousness, which empowers you to reign in life (Romans 5:17). You are established in His righteousness. I believe God wanted us to know that we are righteous by the blood of Jesus, by his perfect work on the cross, so there’s nothing we can do that will add to it or take away from it. When you feel,”attacked,” afraid, worried, and anxious, remind yourself of who you are in Christ. When you remind yourself of these things, notice how the worry, anxiety, and depression begin to fall away, “you shall not fear, terror shall not come near you.” One more thing. Belief takes effort. It’s an action, not a floating generality. As you continue believing and confessing, (speaking out loud) your righteousness in Christ, you’ll get an ever-increasing revelation that will give you the assurance of God’s miraculous provision, his blessing, his divine protection and sovereign grace over your life. Tip of the WeekThe AllTrails App is my tip of the week. With over 50,000 trail maps, it’s the largest collection of detailed, hand-curated trail maps. AllTrails will help you hit the trail with confidence anytime, anywhere. Two additional features you’ll appreciate: 1. Driving directions; 2. Saving your favorite trails for future adventures. Feature Presentation “How to Finally Master Your Time“
Resources Mentioned In This EpisodeSubscribe to the show through Apple Podcasts and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show. Get The TranscriptRight-Click and “Save As” to Get the PDF Transcript.
Mon, 5 March 2018
Today I want to cover some new directions for the company and how we’re going to be helping you in new and improved ways. Don’t worry, we’ll continue to focus on:
I don’t believe it’s possible to separate the two things, business and spirituality. Because you only have one life, spirituality and prosperity are both part of the same life.
The premise for today’s podcast: Every person listening to this show can and should build a prosperous personal-brand business by following 5 proven phases. If you get these phases out of order you will have problems. If you are frustrated with lack of traction in building your personal brand online, chances are you’re out of sequence.
“The internet and the ability to build a personal brand online is the great equalizer of all entrepreneurs.” Ray Edwards 5 Phases of a Prosperous Business
Click here to download or listen to this episode now. Tip of the WeekIt’s common knowledge but it’s not common practice, “Carry a pen and a notebook with you at all times.” The reasons for your pen and notebook:
Capturing your thoughts and your best ideas is invaluable. If you’re a writer, this is required. “ Writers are the ones with the pens and the notebooks.” (4:40) Spiritual FoundationsThe Dream… Should you pursue your dreams? God is the giver of dreams.
Proverbs 18:16, “A man’s gifts make room for him and brings him before great men.” “The world needs your message.” — Ray Edwards
It’s up to you whether you’re going to seize your gift and take advantage of it or not. God intended your gift for your benefit and others. I think you should grab hold of it and make the most of it. Feature Presentation “The 5 Phases of a Prosperous Business”
Resources Mentioned In This EpisodeSubscribe to the show through Apple Podcasts and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show. Get The Transcript |