Wed, 23 November 2016
Coming up this week…
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Spiritual FoundationsThere are those in the family of faith that believe that setting goals is “sinful arrogance”. The argument for this belief comes from the book of James in the New Testament. James, the brother of Jesus, says this… “Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit’— yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, ‘If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.’ As it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil. (James 4:13-16) James is echoing the sentiment of this passage from the Old Testament: “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.” (Proverbs 27:1) Do these verses teach us that setting goals is sinful arrogance? I don’t think so. In fact, I think it is our duty as Christians to set goals, and I have three strong reasons to support that assertion. We’ll get to those in a moment, but first I want to tackle this idea that Christians should not set goals at all. People who hold this view (that goal-setting is wrong) usually offer as argument the idea that they are “free to be led by the Spirit”. They want to be sure they are “open to God’s will”. There are at least three incorrect pre-suppostions embedded within this position. If this is your belief, you are assuming:
Just like we are supposed to be good stewards of our wealth, we are also supposed to be good stewards of our life. Selah. Tip Of The WeekGet Michael Hyatt’s ebook, “Achieve What Matters in 2017”. This is an incredible download. More than 30 thought leaders, influencers, and high achievers all share their top strategies for starting the year off with a bang. You'll recognize many of the names as they include multiple best-selling authors, speakers, and leaders of their respected fields. People like:
It's all available here. As we get closer to the start of 2017, the timing on this couldn't be any better. The insights were pretty incredible, so make sure you take a look for yourself… Also watch for the Free LifeScore App Wednesday, November 30th, (day after tomorrow, if you’re listening to this on release day)… If life were a game, what would your score be? Even if you aren't competitive, how would you rank each area of your life?
Well, now you can. If you’re not on our email list, get signed up today so we can notify you when this is released Wednesday, or you can go to (that link will not work until Wednesday, November 30th). Feature Segment: “5 Good Reasons to Set Goals for 2017 (Even If You Hate Goal-Setting)”
Some additional thoughts:
How To HelpSubscribe to the show through iTunes and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show. Get The Transcript |
Mon, 14 November 2016
Coming up this week…
Click here to download or listen to this episode now.
Spiritual FoundationsThe single best way to eliminate your “stinkin thinkin”. We know that we must guard our thoughts, but did you know this is not just a “positive thinking” idea – we find this same advice in the book of Proverbs. Plus in this episode we reveal what it really means to “Fear the Lord”. This may be the most important thing you hear all day! Tip Of The WeekI was in the Apple Store getting my 7+, and I overheard this snippet of conversation, “She dropped the phone in the water and just wants her photos.” People… use iCloud to back up your phone! PAY FOR IT. It’s 0.99 cents a month for Pete’s sake! And by the way, check out iCloud Drive…it’s awesome! Feature Segment: “Why I Won't Promote Your Product”Let me start by saying that I like you, and I want you to succeed…but I won’t promote your stuff. That may sound harsh, but in this episode I expose the 7 Problems That Stop Me From Promoting Your Product. But before you despair and give up all hope, I also have 7 Solutions to the 7 Problems. Understanding this information could save you from a lifetime of fractured relationships with potential partners, and instead illuminate a profitable path forward with more friends (and sales) than you can shake a stick at. How To HelpSubscribe to the show through iTunes and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show. Get The Transcript |
Mon, 7 November 2016
You probably know “the money is in the list” – the email list. Notably, your email list. The people to whom you have permission to send marketing emails. Press send. Make money. But how does one get an email list. That's what today's episode is all about.
Click here to download or listen to this episode now.
Spiritual FoundationsDo you know your spiritual ABC’s? No, it doesn’t mean Always Be Closing. Instead, it’s a way of remembering how to communicate with people in a way that is both meaningful and effective. The Apostle Paul was a master communicator, and in this episode, we’re going to show you how you can use his principles in your business communications – whether you’re speaking to a small staff or a huge stadium. Using Paul’s communication model, you’ll capture people’s attention at a heart-level. They will be ready to receive your message…because people don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care. Tip Of The WeekI promised you a good reason to spend $5,000 and here it is…the new MacBook Pro is out! Why am I so excited about this? Let me count the ways…
And for those of you keeping score, when you add on all the extra goodies… you’re awfully close to $5,000. It’s another good reason to build a profitable online business (as if you needed another reason). Feature Segment: “How to Get 10,000 Subscribers in 9 Days (sort of)”So often, when people tell you how to add large numbers of subscribers to your list, they do so out of theory. We’re actually going to pull back the curtain on a promotion we just conducted, and tell you exactly what we did. I say you can get 10,000 subscribers in 9 days “sort of”. What I mean by “sort of” is while the promotion lasted 9 days, the preparation time was much longer. The promotion was for our Copywriting Virtual Summit. The summit is a gathering of the greatest minds in copywriting and marketing. Inside this episode, we reveal the details of how we generated those 10,000 subscribers including:
We also go the extra mile and reveal what went well, and maybe more importantly, what we could do better next time. This episode is like the Invisible Man… totally transparent! How To HelpSubscribe to the show through iTunes and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show. Get The Transcript |