Ray Edwards Show
Ray Edwards is a sought-after Copywriter, Author, Speaker, and Communications Strategist. His clients include Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Jeff Walker, Robert Allen, and more. On this show, Ray helps you start, run, and grow their Internet-based businesses. The show includes interviews with well-known experts like Michael Hyatt, Jeff Goins, Dan Miller, Cliff Ravenscraft, Michael Stelzner, Amy Porterfield, Don Miller, and many others.

If you want to build an online business, or if you want to go online to promote your local, real-world business, you face the same challenge. There are a bajillion websites out there, so how do you stand out in a Sea of Sameness? It’s easy to wast time, money, and effort and get nothing in return.

There is one ingredient that can change all that. It’s not magic, but it is required.


But how do you create enough good content to matter? This week we’re going to show you a simple way to create 10 pieces of content across 5 major platforms in about an hour.

Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

Spiritual Foundations

I love this particular scripture from Deuteronomy 8:18, “You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your fathers, as it is this day.”

For those of you who get all freaked out when we talk about God getting involved in wealth creation…not only is He for it, He gave you the power to get it.

You need confidence and you need to be able to recognize your own power, but also to remember who granted that power to you.

Respect the creation, but worship only the Creator.

Tip of the Week

You know you’ve arrived as a content creator when people just start sending you stuff out of the blue.

Now let me clear, I’m not opposed to people sending me their products to try in the hopes that I’ll talk about it on my podcast. If it’s quality stuff and makes my life better, I don’t mind talking about it.

That’s exactly what happened recently when I was contacted by Aaron at Arkon Mounts. They have the largest assortment of professional-grade mounts, holders, tripods, and stands for tablets, phones, cameras, GPS, and live streaming.

We’ve put a link in the resources section for all the cool stuff I received. If you want to see me unboxing and assembling these items you can check out my recent vlog entitled Do The Hard Things.

I know you’re going to be blown away by the quality of these products.  They are all backed by a 2-year standard warranty.

Use our affiliate coupon code “RayEdwards” which saves you 20% at arkon.com.

Feature Presentation: “How To Create Content Fast

Creating a large amount of high-quality content in a short period of time is easier than you think. Here is my 9-point system for creating content fast:

  1. Have an idea.
  2. Make an outline and talk about your ideausing your smartphone
  3. Publish the video on Facebook and Youtube.
  4. Strip out the audio
  5. Publish the audio as a podcast
  6. Have the audio transcribed.
  7. Edit the transcript into a blog post.
  8. Edit the blog post into posts for Facebook, LinkedIn, Google +.
  9. Pull at least 3 tweest from the text

So in one hour you would have created:

  • One Youtube Video
  • One Podcast
  • One Transcript
  • One Blog Post
  • One Facebook Post
  • One LinkedIn article
  • One Google + post
  • Three Tweets

Thats 10 pieces of content, on 5 major platforms in sixty minutes…not to shabby.

To find out more about how to do this yourself, and to discover how to use this content to launch multiple streams of income join us inside this week’s episode.

In the meantime, here are some snippets from our conversation:

  • The oak begins as an acorn – How to harness one great idea (9:16)
  • Begin with the end in mind – How to use your smartphone to make a point and make a difference (9:56)
  • The Charlie Chaplin Approach – Why silence is more than golden, it’s also very profitable (10:49)
  • There’s an app for that – How to change the world and watch your business grow (11:12)
  • Your digital soapbox – Putting the social in social media (11:48)
  • Rinse and Repeat – How duplication turns into multiplication (13:35)
  • The power of persistence – Discover the key to dominating the digital landscape (14:08)
  • The Lego Method – Why a modular approach is the cornerstone of strategic thinking (14:31)
  • Don’t outsource your voice – Here’s what you should do yourself, and how to find the right people to do everything else (16:03)
  • Sean’s Rant of the Week – The simple cure to keep your soul from dying (17:41)
  • It’s bigger than you – How a single idea can create a global impact (19:26)
  • Little is the new big – Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world (24:05)

Resources Mentioned in This Episode

How To Help

Subscribe to the show through Apple Podcasts and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show.

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Direct download: REP290.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00am PDT

Do you have a list of things that need to get done, but for some reason you never seem to get around to doing them? Sometimes it appears that everyone around you seems like a productivity genius…while you struggle to remember to feed the cat.

Fear not intrepid listener, you don’t have to keep staring at that same to-do list as it bullies you and taunts you with feelings of failure. In this episode we’re going to reveal the 5 Reasons You Don’t Get Things Done…and how to kick those reasons to the curb forever.

Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

Spiritual Foundations

This week’s Scripture seems appropriate to our topic. Check out what Jesus had to say in Matthew 25:29, “To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.”

Ouch. That doesn’t sound like Gentle Jesus.

This Scripture comes from the Parable of the Talents. In this parable boldness is rewarded and timidity is reprimanded. In fact, Jesus actually calls the timid person a “wicked and evil servant.”

Double ouch.

Have you ever wondered why the most productive servant was richly rewarded while the timid servant had everything taken from him?

The answer lies within this episode.

Tip of the Week

Imagine that you have a bunch of charges on your debit card every month, and some of them are a total mystery to you.

Or worse, you haven’t looked at your statement in a while and you realize you’ve been paying a monthly charge for something you stopped using long ago.

If these scenarios sound familiar, I have a radical solution for you…just call in and get another debit card.

Why would I make such a suggestion? In this week’s episode I’ll tell you the story of what happened to me, and how you can learn from my mistake.

Feature Presentation: “5 Reasons You Don't Get Things Done…And How to Change

There are 5 main reasons you don’t get things done: 

  1. You don't know WHAT needs to be done.
  2. You don't know HOW to do what needs to be done.
  3. You don't know WHY it needs to be done.
  4. You don't have the time, energy, or resources you NEED to do what needs to be done.
  5. You don't have the COURAGE to do what needs to be done.

This week I’m going to give you the tools to change and start your journey to becoming a productivity master.

Here are some snippets from our conversation…

  • Sean’s Rant of the Week: Jesus talks about cold, hard cash (4:52)
  • Two strategic errors rolled into one – why what you believe makes all the difference (14:22)
  • Start with, Why? – the one question that lights the pathway forward (16:14)
  • Why are we doing this? – The Story of Bob and the Ultimate Consulting Question (16:44)
  • Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic – How to stop doing stuff that doesn’t matter (18:01)
  • The next logical step – Rediscovering The Lost Art of Thinking and Task Management (19:35)
  • The Missing Link – How what you don’t know really can hurt you (21:54)
  • Making Socrates proud – The 3 questions you must ask yourself before learning a new skill (23:27)
  • An excuse masquerading as a reason – The one thing you do all the time that needs to stop NOW (25:44)
  • The uncomfortable experiment – You’re not as busy as you think you are (27:15)
  • This may hurt a little – How to follow your own yellow brick road and go from coward to conqueror (31:33)

How To Help

Subscribe to the show through Apple Podcasts and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show.

Get The Transcript

Right-Click and “Save As” to Get the PDF Transcript. 

Direct download: REP289.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00am PDT

Are you looking for a way to grow your tribe and build a business around your passion? Have you ever considered starting a podcast, but your concerns about the expense, the work, and the commitment it takes to start and maintain a successful podcast make you wonder if it’s worth it? Will this still work, or has podcasting had its day?

In this interview, we probe the mind of The Podcast Answer Man, Cliff Ravenscraft. He has helped launch some of the most successful podcasters – including Michael Hyatt, Dan Miller, John Lee Dumas, Amy Porterfield, Pat Flynn… and yes, Ray Edwards. Together we’ll uncover whether podcasting is the right move for you and your business.

Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

Feature Presentation: “Build a Business Around a Podcast: An Interview with Cliff Ravenscraft

In this animated conversation, Cliff shares the story of how he came to be The Podcast Answer Man. We also get into why he believes almost anyone can start a podcast around something they love… and build a business from that foundation.

Cliff Ravenscraft is first and foremost a podcast producer who has produced more than 30 of his own podcast shows with over 3,600 of his very own podcast episodes devoted to Business, Technology, Entertainment, Family, and Faith.

In December 2006, Cliff launched PodcastAnswerMan.com where he has since helped tens of thousands of individuals and organizations successfully launch a podcast through: one-on-one coaching, his Podcasting A to Z online group coaching course, and his digital training tutorials.

If you were to look at the top 100 podcasts in the business category of iTunes, more than 50 of these shows were created by clients who worked with Cliff. The man knows what he is talking about.

 Here are some snippets from our conversation…

  • Why some people will spend dozens of hours listening to every word you say (and what that means to you). (2:57)
  • Why podcasting is an unparalleled method for exerting influence and building your business. (4:28)
  • How a pursuing you passion can be the foundation of a business – even if your passion is watching TV. (6:45)
  • To get a lift from the Big Boys, you have to be in the right place at the right time (8:58)
  • How to make the “podcast pivot”, and go from passion to profit (12:54)
  • Your podcast content can give your listeners the power to become the “King or Queen of the Water Cooler” (17:01)
  • How Kim’s Email opened Cliff’s mind, and helped him take his first step into a larger world. (18:28)
  • Bad Christian! How a prophet is not without honor except in his hometown. (20:57)
  • How spiritual manipulation led to a positive change for the Ravenscraft clan (25:56)
  • The day Cliff quit podcasting, and the deep dark hole he got sucked into as a result (27:51)
  • How to know when it’s time to take stand, and the freedom it can lead to. (29:39)
  • How a podcast becomes a business pay attention to what people are asking you for. (32:57)
  • Do what you love for a living is more than just a bumper sticker – here’s how to make it work. (35:55)
  • Why work is indeed happy wonderful fun time” – and why garbage collectors are not millionaires. (36:56)
  • A powerful thought experiment that can help you find your “calling” (38:26)
  • The Entrepreneurial Awakening, and how to experience it yourself. (40:45)
  • The very bad, horrible day that wore Cliff down. What his wife said that changed his life. (41:54)
  • The difficult conversation that wasn’t – the moment Cliff “came to life.” (43:20)
  • Here’s what selling really means – and how most people get it wrong (47:22)
  • Dont despise the day of small beginnings – what Cliff’s first year in business looked like (50:06)
  • Timing + Positioning + Hard Work = Luck – How to set-up your brand for success (51:50)
  • How to become the go-to authority for your listeners – it’s easier than you think! (54:09)
  • How demonstrating your value can put getting new customers on autopilot (56:46)
  • The quick self-test that will let you know if podcasting is right for you (58:31)

Resources Mentioned in This Episode

How To Help

Subscribe to the show through Apple Podcasts and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show.

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Right-Click and “Save As” to Get the PDF Transcript. 

Direct download: REP288.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00am PDT

True or False:

  • You can’t be a real artist and make money.
  • Most other professions are more reliable and stable than any kind of art.
  • A lower percentage of artists make a stable, livable income than other
  • For art to be pure, the artist should not do it for the money.
  • The only way for an artist to “make it” they must “sell out.”

If you answered TRUE to ANY of those statements, you need some de-programming.

In this week’s episode Jeff Goins will help set you straight.

Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

Spiritual Foundations

Our word for this episode comes from Ephesians 4:29, “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.”

We all know what happens if your computer gets a corrupted hard drive. It’s been infected and is no longer capable of properly performing the task it was assigned.

The same is true for the words you speak. If they are infected with negative and hurtful attitudes they are no longer capable of performing the task they were given from God.

What is that task?

Your words were designed to edify, uplift, and encourage those around you…and yourself.


Tip of the Week

Our tip of the week, not surprisingly, is connected to our guest Jeff Goins and his new book, “Real Artists Don’t Starve: Timeless Strategies for Thriving in the New Creative Age.”

One of the things I love most about this book is that it debunks the myth of the starving artist.

As a side note, be sure to listen to the interview before you buy the book because he has a link that will hook you up with a couple hundred dollar’s-worth of free bonuses!

Feature Presentation: “Real Artists Don’t Starve: An Interview with Jeff Goins

In this episode, bestselling author and creativity expert Jeff Goins dismantles the myth that being creative is a hindrance to success by revealing how an artistic temperament is, in fact, a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Here are some highlights from our conversation:

  • Starvation is a choice (5:06)
  • Be like Mike…Michelangelo that is (6:56)
  • The myth of the starving artist (10:18)
  • How to become a thriving artist (10:55)
  • The New Renaissance (12:04)
  • The legacy of Henri Murger (12:15)
  • Why Santa Claus is so powerful (14:08)
  • Stop feeding the beast (16:03)
  • The edge of acceptable (19:04)
  • Are you an artist? (19:38)
  • Mindset, Market, and Money (21:06)
  • What story are you telling yourself? (23:13)
  • The Two-Story Exercise (25:33)
  • Connect your art with an audience (26:30)
  • Believe it until you become it (27:25)
  • Eat your vegetables (29:12)
  • Debunking the idea of luck (30:33)
  • Ernest Hemingway’s version of luck (32:20)
  • Strategy vs Hustle (33:48)
  • Steal your way to success (35:23)
  • Standing on the shoulders of giants (40:20)
  • Practice in public (41:08)
  • Share something today (45:31)
  • George Lucas, Pixar, and profits (48:10)
  • Your responsibility as an artist (54:45)

Resources Mentioned in This Episode

How To Help

Subscribe to the show through Apple Podcasts and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show.

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Right-Click and “Save As” to Get the PDF Transcript.

Direct download: REP287.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00am PDT