Mon, 24 September 2018
Today on the show… We all have a code of conduct. Do you know what yours is? Click here to download or listen to this episode now. Spiritual FoundationsThen, as soon as they had come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid on it, and bread… Jesus said to them, “Come and eat breakfast.” John 21:9, 12 Jesus shows us that God is our loving heavenly Father who cares about the big and small things in our lives! Feature Presentation: “What Is Your Personal Code Of Conduct”1. I act in a manner that is cheerful, polite, courteous, and which honors God. 2. I take 100% ownership of my emotional state and my response to life. 3. I follow my current morning and evening success rituals consistently. 4. I progress daily toward the achievement of worthy goals. 5. I engage in physical exercise one hour per day. 6. I eat food, not too much, mostly plants; no ## sugar or flour. 7. I don’t drink alcohol or use other intoxicants to excess or to numb my feelings. If you like the show, subscribe in Apple Podcasts or your favorite Podcast directory… leave us an honest rating & review… and share with your friends. Until next time, May the Lord bless you and keep you, may He make his face shine on you, and may you enjoy long life and prosperity. Peace to you and to your house. Subscribe to the show through Apple Podcasts and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show. Get The Transcript |
Mon, 17 September 2018
Today on the show… Do you have a plan for Depression? I promise it has a plan for you Click here to download or listen to this episode now. Spiritual FoundationsWhoever has no rule over his own spirit Is like a city broken down, without walls. Proverbs 25:28 Feature Presentation “The Ultimate Plan To Defeat Depression“Hello, depressed Ray. This is the true you writing to remind you what you are feeling is a LIE and you must NOT accept it. Some things to do: * Immediately tell Lynn and Sean I’m having a “False Identity Attack” and have them pray for me * Take communion * Exercise HARD * Worship MUSIC LOUD * Speak Gods truth out loud WITH FEELING * Activate my prayer network Read This Out Loud **Creed of the Unbeatable Man** When the world would beat me down, when the adversary comes against me, when the darkness seems overwhelming… when the mantle of mediocrity settles on my shoulders and seeks to weigh me down, when the grey and rainy skies won’t relent… when the arrows pierce my armor, the bloodshed seems like a tide, and the odds seem overwhelmingly stacked against me… in these times I will remember: There is One who is unbeatable, his name is Jesus, and I am a co-heir to his legacy. Before the world was, he existed and in fact, made the world for his purposes. I know that in this world I will have trouble, but I take courage because he has overcome the world. He is never surprised, discouraged, alarmed, or afraid. He sits at the right hand of his Father, God Almighty, and as Jesus is in heaven, so am I in this world. In him I am free. His Spirit, the same Spirit that raised him from the dead… that healed the sick, cleansed the lepers, caused demons to flee, and set right everything that has ever gone wrong or ever will… that same Spirit lives in me. The Spirit of God leads me into all truth, sets me free, and reminds me that through Jesus I am 100% righteous and worthy to receive God’s love. I am a saint and not a sinner, I am the light of the world, the city on a hill, the salt of the earth… redeemed, restored, renewed, raised to life… victorious, powerful, rich, healed, saved, delivered… growing in wisdom and favor with men and with God… an heir to the promises of Abraham and his descendants… a son and a friend of God… Through the finished work of the cross, I am protected, favored, loved, and approved… weighed and found worthy. I am beyond the reach of sickness, death, judgment, and condemnation. I may have trouble, but trouble never has me. I am unpunishable, unashamed, and unafraid. I am unbeatable. And so are you. Have you kept the “gates” up, or are you like a city with its walls broken down? If you’ve gotten off the path (no condemnation, just illuminate and recalibrate), remember… Ray’s 9-Step Anti-Depression Recipe 1. Prayer daily, as a conversation with God. 2. Practice the awareness of God’s Presence 3. Journaling daily (I use Day One, and a template of questions that I answer each day. I store the template as a TextExpander snippet) 4. Read 5 Psalms and 1 chapter of Proverbs daily (in addition to normal Bible reading/study) 5. Vigorous Exercise 6 days per week (while listening to powerful, positive UPBEAT worship music – ie, no “I’ve written an ode to my problems” type songs) 6. Daily declarations (speaking out loud the promises of the word, see the book above 7. Keto Diet to regulate blood sugar and neurochemistry 8. Supplementation (especially Vitamin D and B-Complex) 9. Tracking mood daily (use MoodTracker App) If you have more than 3 days in a row, or 3 days out of a week, like this, it’s time to bring in more help (Pastor, Emotion Code RTF, Sozo, Psych, etc).
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Mon, 10 September 2018
Today on the show… Lessons learned from one of the most influential people in my life – Jeff Walker. Click here to download or listen to this episode now. Spiritual FoundationsThe purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out. Proverbs 20:5 Feature Presentation “7 Lessons Learned From Jeff Walker“1. The value of launching instead of STARTING. 2. The value of publishing. “Anyone today could be a publisher in five minutes or less and when you’re a publisher — you’re in business. ” 3. The value of knowing your clients. “Only sell what the market wants.” 4. The value of focus. “Your most scarce resource is your focus.” 5. The value of generosity. “First give; then receive.” 6. The value of investing. “Always invest in yourself.” 7. The value of believing the best. If you want to learn the best way to LAUNCH business instead of STARTING a business.. go to If you like the show, subscribe in Apple Podcasts or your favorite Podcast directory… leave us an honest rating & review… and share with your friends. And here’s this week’s “Quote Worth Note” “The asset you must protect at all costs is your confidence .” — Jeff Walker Until next time, May the Lord bless you and keep you, may He make his face shine on you, and may you enjoy long life and prosperity. Peace to you and to your house. Resources Mentioned In This Episode
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Mon, 3 September 2018
In this episode, Sean and I talk about the mechanical television, Tesla, beaming electricity through the air and how important education is, and why you should pay for it. Click here to download or listen to this episode now. Resources Subscribe to the show through Apple Podcasts and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will mention you on this show. Get The Transcript |