On today's show, we'll explore how to use the most powerful website you don't understand – LinkedIn! Our special guest is John Nemo.
Since 2012, John Nemo has helped hundreds of Business Coaches, Consultants, Trainers, Small Business Owners, Sales and Business Development Executives use LinkedIn to generate more business for themselves. Today he will help you!
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Feature Segment: Grow Your Business With LinkedIn
On this episode you'll hear:
- The crazy but amazing story of how, in 2012, John quit his day job and built an entirely new business from scratch using ONLY LinkedIn.
- Why LinkedIn is so much more than just a “job seeker” type platform, and why it can't seem to escape that outdated narrative.
- What you are missing out on by ignoring or underestimating this platform right now – especially if you're NOT looking for a job.
- Why LinkedIn is the single BEST place online right now to find more sales leads and customers (especially if you're a small business owner, coach, consultant, entrepreneur, trainer, or sales professional.
- The shocking truth: 99 percent of people are using LinkedIn the wrong way. How to stop doing that.
- The “One Sentence Your LinkedIn Profile MUST Have” … learn exactly what the sentence is, and how to start using it today.
- The process to use, if you're a small business owner, consultant, or coach, and want to generate some new business on LinkedIn. (John explains EXACTLY how to make that happen.)
- How to balance the “personal vs. professional” side of things on LinkedIn. Why it's important you have both, and in the right proportions.
John is making a special, free training available just for listeners of The Ray Edwards Show, and you can get your free gifts by clicking here: LinkedInRiches.com/ray
Check out Ray's “Nemo-fied” LinkedIn profile.
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