Ray Edwards Show
Ray Edwards is a sought-after Copywriter, Author, Speaker, and Communications Strategist. His clients include Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Jeff Walker, Robert Allen, and more. On this show, Ray helps you start, run, and grow their Internet-based businesses. The show includes interviews with well-known experts like Michael Hyatt, Jeff Goins, Dan Miller, Cliff Ravenscraft, Michael Stelzner, Amy Porterfield, Don Miller, and many others.

A couple of weeks ago, we did an episode devoted to the copywriting purists in the audience...A copywriting Q&A.

That episode generated a lot of positive feedback, so this week, we're doing another round of questions submitted by some of our listeners. If you are (or want to be) a copywriter, I think you'll find some worthwhile knowledge inside.

If you have a question, leave a comment below. I'm not sure when the next Q&A episode will be, but it largely depends on the quality and quantity of questions we receive...so don't be shy! I read every comment here and on the socials.

  • [00:50] Question 1: How do I deal with "scope creep" when working for local clients?
  • [06:50] Questions 2: How do I know what to charge to do some "minor touchups" on someone's copy?
  • [11:20] Question 3: What's your favorite ad campaign of all time?


Tony Robbins Vintage Infomercial

The Most Interesting Man In The World

The Man In The Hathaway Shirt - A highly successful campaign by the legendary David Ogilvy which perhaps inspired The Most Interesting Man In The World campaign.

How You Can Help

Subscribe to the show in iTunes and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. We are also on Stitcher.com, so if you prefer Stitcher, please subscribe there.

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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:00pm PDT